Friday, March 08, 2013

Friday Interesting and Funny.

Why hasn't anyone challenged the Soda Size ban in court as being unconstitutional???

Wow.  And yet many believe that gun control is actually about public safety!

Amateurs should never do the work of professionals...

So true.....have a good Friday!


  1. that stripper... WOW painfull.....

    i once saw a stripper, fall off a pole doing the splits, landing with a thud on her pu(%y, girls are just as sensitive there as guys, lol, she was crying & hobbling, off stage with help, lol.

    1. i love it when a pack of women go to a strip club for girls night out and as sure as shit the fattest one of the group just has to decide to get on the pole...i witnessed such an event and it was priceless. not only were we so drunk as to encourage but the idiot actually did get up there. next thing you know the hungry hungry hippo decides to do that pole dancer swing and the pole actually was yanked out of the ceiling.

      i actually wasted some good alcohol laughing so hard. her girlfriends were pissed, the crowd went wild and the pro's were amazed.

      good times. real good times.

    2. lol, fun times had all round then.

  2. I take it that this stuff is in honor of International Women's Day.

    1. And Solomon wonders why the public affairs people at Lockheed and elsewhere have started to ignore him...

    2. John. didn't know and don't care.

      Huron. you would not believe the people that I contact and that contact me. I really believe you'd be stunned and depressed. Meanwhile I'm please, tickled pink and will continue to rattle the cages of all that deserve it.


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