Friday, March 15, 2013

Gay Guy fights Butch Lesbian.

Check out the video below.  But pay attention to the twisted gender roles.  You have a Gay Guy, extremely soft spoken by the way, that ends up battling a Butch, extremely loud Lesbian who is spoiling for a fight.

Pay attention to the Gay Guy's words.  She's a girl.  I don't want to fight a girl.  Yet the Butch, extremely loud Lesbian continues to spoil for a fight.  Of course the crowd eggs him on and stupidity ensues.

Fight is on, Lesbian goes out like a light but then what happens!  The crowd attacks the Gay Guy for giving the Butch, loud Lesbian exactly what she demanded.  I said all that to ask this question.  Have women fallen for the Hollywood fiction that they are able to engage in hand to hand combat with a man and win?  I think they have but the problem is no one has given Guys handbooks on how to deal with increasingly loud, belligerent and aggressive females that believe fiction rather than biological reality.


  1. Dunno... I've known some women who could bind me into a pretzel, some of them lesbians, a handful of the butch variety.

    As a general rule, I don't have problems with people who could kick my ass to the 7th hell. I have trouble, usually, with those who believe they can.

    Take care.

  2. well i'm probably reading way too much into this but i was struck by the gender confusion in the video. in my view it was to the point of hillarity.

    you have a gay guy, a butch lesbian and then you have bystanders that at first accept them in the roles that they have chosen. in my estimation some of those bystanders saw the guy as being a bit of a sissy and the girl as being more man than girl.

    and i'm unconcerned about the sucker punch. when you go barking for a fight then you should be ready for confrontation until you leave the area.

    but once the guy socks her then suddenly the bystanders revert to typical male female stereo types and people rush in to defend the lady even though seconds before she was acting like a man.

    if our legal system was fair then you'd see many guys that are charged with assault and domestic violence walk away free if they took the reality of our society into account instead of acting like this crowd....zooming back to our established norms when it comes to outcomes.

  3. Physically they may have been on a match, but on a moral level, she always has the upper-hand since people will be sympathetic for her because she is a woman. It doesn't matter if she had 20# and a couple of inches on him, if you beat a woman down, you are never going to be the victor, you're always going to be a woman-beater.

  4. It doesn't matter what gender they are. I say give them a fistful of reality to knock the sense into them. My Sargeant told my platoon once when he was teaching us hand to hand combat:

    "I don't care who you are, what race or what gender what you. If someone wants to assault you with the intention or hurting or to kill you, you don't want to stand there and be the punching bag. You fight back"

    1. oh he's exactly right but men are going to have to unlearn 'nature' in this new world that is being thrust upon us. how do you protect someone that has the idea that being equal and of the opposite sex means that they can talk shit right up to the point of engaging in actual combat?

      in this vid the lesbian actually had already assaulted the gay guy. she had pushed and shoved him, but the grey area will be when she's just yapping, talking shit and generally making the guy feel like an ass. if its another guy you would be justified in punching the shit out of him. if its a female what do you do? do you walk away and be called a pussy? do you punch her and be called a punk? what do you do?

      now put this in the midst of the message being put out by the SgtMajor of the Marine Corps. he is telling his male Marines to protect female Marines yet at the same time he's telling them that female Marines should be fighting side by side with male Marines in combat situations in the Infantry. mixed and confusing messages if you ask me and they're coming from society, the legal system and the military.

  5. That can be summed up in 3 letters Sol, TNB.


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