Friday, March 29, 2013

Japan's military chief now says the F-35 is the best buy.

via Reuters.
- Lockheed Martin's F-35 fighters are the best choice for Japan's future operational needs, the nation's highest-ranking uniformed officer said on Wednesday, in a vote of confidence for the state-of-the-art U.S. warplane.
His comments follow reports that some nations that have placed orders for the F-35s may reconsider their plans.
Shigeru Iwasaki, chief of the Japanese Self-Defence Forces' Joint Staff, also said advancement of North Korea's arms technology in a series of nuclear and missile tests posed a serious threat to Japan, but its missile defense system should provide the country with sufficient protection.
"When I was the head of the air force, I spearheaded the decision (to procure F-35s). Or, rather, we drew up a plan, which was then approved by defense minister," said Iwasaki, a veteran fighter pilot who used to fly F-15s, Japan's current mainstay combat aeroplane.
"There were various candidates. But I still believe the F-35 is the best fighter, when we think about Japan's future national security," he said in an interview with Reuters.
I  personally get suspicious when news of the F-35 either direction.

It always seems timed to either maximize the negative or intensify the positive.

This falls under a different category---at least in my mind.  This is a chief that is explaining his decision.  Instead of boring a person with metrics that can be debated, he simply says its the best fighter for his nations security needs.

The week started with talk about the Dutch cutting their order of F-35's and is ending with Singapore buying the "B" model and the Japanese defense chief saying its the best option.

That's a win for the F-35 program in my opinion.  Good week.


  1. So many positive posts on the F-35 in the last days and not one comment...people really love to hate the JSF...

  2. I don't think the F-35 is perfect for every nations needs. Canada as an example.

  3. I think the last sentence: "I still believe the F-35 is the best fighter, when we think about Japan's future national security," is telling. A lot could be couched in this, namely the importance of Japanese and American coordination and how this fighter is an investment in that. In the long run, Japan may be willing to accept a slightly less-effective aircraft in exchange for bolstering their partnership with the USA. In essence, the US partnership is a much greater force multiplier for Japan than any single fighter or attack aircraft procurement could ever be.

    I'm not saying I think the F-35 is inferior---because I don't---but I'm saying this news is less about the F-35 and more about the benefits of Japanese/American coordination.


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