Jay posted a comment on a blurb about drones being seen over New York that leads me to believe that he's unconcerned about it.
UPDATE: The administration has said that drone strikes on US citizens inside the US IS legal. Read it here.
That's his right, but the loss of civil liberties and constant spying on US citizens I believe should concern us all.
Let me hit you with a hypothetical situation.
Suppose you have an actual bad guy operating inside the borders of the US. Suppose Law Enforcement gets info on a plot to bomb a federal building. Information also leads them to believe that the bad guys will suicide themselves and hope to take out as many LEO's as possible if they are confronted.
Law Enforcement USES drones to spy on their location and determines that the threat is real.
Heavy hitters from the US Marshals Service Special Response Team are brought in (these guys are SHIT HOT...great shots, in great shape and can go hands on....if you go up against them just surrender....it'll be alot less painful) and they determine that there are no good ways to do an assault. The bad guys have good discipline and security and they're in the active phase of their plan so they aren't leaving the compound. Additionally they have a reinforced semi-truck and it is estimated that its been armored to shrug off rifle fire and maybe even light anti-tank rocket hits.
In this case would you allow a drone strike?
On US soil?
Against US citizens?
Without trial?
If I can think of this type of scenario then surely someone that is in high places has also.
This is an extreme situation and I could understand if they did launch a strike.
The fact that information about drones is cloaked in secrecy is the issue. Anyone with grey matter knows that any weapon that can be used against the enemy can be used against citizens.
The secrecy is the real crime...at least in my opinion.
UPDATE: The administration has said that drone strikes on US citizens inside the US IS legal. Read it here.
That's his right, but the loss of civil liberties and constant spying on US citizens I believe should concern us all.
Let me hit you with a hypothetical situation.
Suppose you have an actual bad guy operating inside the borders of the US. Suppose Law Enforcement gets info on a plot to bomb a federal building. Information also leads them to believe that the bad guys will suicide themselves and hope to take out as many LEO's as possible if they are confronted.
Law Enforcement USES drones to spy on their location and determines that the threat is real.
Heavy hitters from the US Marshals Service Special Response Team are brought in (these guys are SHIT HOT...great shots, in great shape and can go hands on....if you go up against them just surrender....it'll be alot less painful) and they determine that there are no good ways to do an assault. The bad guys have good discipline and security and they're in the active phase of their plan so they aren't leaving the compound. Additionally they have a reinforced semi-truck and it is estimated that its been armored to shrug off rifle fire and maybe even light anti-tank rocket hits.
In this case would you allow a drone strike?
On US soil?
Against US citizens?
Without trial?
If I can think of this type of scenario then surely someone that is in high places has also.
This is an extreme situation and I could understand if they did launch a strike.
The fact that information about drones is cloaked in secrecy is the issue. Anyone with grey matter knows that any weapon that can be used against the enemy can be used against citizens.
The secrecy is the real crime...at least in my opinion.