Friday, March 01, 2013

Magpul slaps gun owners in the face.

MAGPUL is in some controversy and I consider their actions a slap in the face of gun owners.

Let me fill you in if you haven't been following this story.

*  The Colorado legislature introduced, passed and sent on to the Governor a very restrictive gun control bill.  MAGPUL sought to tap into the enormous power of the gun rights movement to get help in defeating the bill.  Gun owners responded and showered the Colorado legislature and Governor's office in e-mails and phone calls.

*  Magpul (my opinion) sought to double down on the free publicity by announcing that if the bill passed, they would have to leave the state of Colorado and move to a free state to continue their business of producing firearms products...especially magazines because part of the legislation restricted ammo mags to 15 rounds.  An exemption was immediately placed into the legislation which would allow a manufacturing exception but MAGPUL stated that they would support their customers in Colorado who couldn't buy a product that was produced in their own state.

*  Gun owners all over America went crazy with praise for the company.  It seemed like clear skies and smooth sailing.

*  I'm not sure which company started it, but suddenly a new issue emerged.  Certain fire arms manufacturers (both of weapons and accessories) declared that they would not sell their products in states where civilians would not be allowed to own them to Police departments.  MAGPUL basically said FUCK THAT!  We support gun grabbers as long as they wear a uniform.  Gun owners said ok...well FUCK YOU TOO!  And MAGPUL got hit with a ton of bad press.  The owner of MAGPUL attempted to justify his decision saying that most police are good guys and that they support gun owners (I still call bullshit on that) and that police are there to PROTECT society (more bullshit...when help is needed in seconds, they're minutes away) so they would support them.  Gun owners collectively said...Weak sauce, FUCK YOU MAGPUL.

Which brings us to today.  MAGPUL put out this statement.

Back in 1990, when I was deployed in Desert Shield and Desert Storm as a Marine grunt, some companies prioritized me items for my M16 for shipping that I purchased with my own funds. After getting out and forming Magpul in 1999, I established the same priority policy for Military and Law Enforcement, due to the requirements of their profession . . .The same policy has been in place for 13 years now and has never been an issue until a few days ago. I do not support the idea that individual police officers should be punished for the actions of their elected officials. That said, I understand the concerns that some have with Law Enforcement officers getting special treatment while at the same time denouncing second amendment rights to another citizen in the same state.With the fight in Colorado right now we do not have time to implement a new program, so I have suspended all LE sales to ban states until we can implement a system wherein any Law Enforcement Officer buying for duty use will have to promise to uphold their oath to the US Constitution – specifically the second and fourteenth amendments – as it applies to all citizens.Richard FitzpatrickPresident/CEO – Founder

But in my opinion...NOT GOOD ENOUGH!  Times of stress show true character, values and convictions.

This guy doesn't give a rats ass about the average citizen but will bend over and grab ankles for LEOs.  Not good..

I probably stand alone but I'm done with MAGPUL.