I am pleased by this. Ah, who am I kidding? I'm fucking thrilled!The Marine Corps is not happy, according to NBC News reporter Jim Miklaszewski (once again by way of RealClearPolitics):Now I can tell you, Marine Corps officials this afternoon are taking a strong exception to what Harry Reid implied. Saying that this this exercise, for example, was planned well in advance, had nothing to do with the budget cuts. There were no corners cut, and if they couldn’t afford to have all the safety precautions into place, they wouldn’t do the exercise.And in fact, one Marine Corps official told us a short time ago that he considers this nothing but pure political posturing on the backs of these dead Marines.
Its about time someone in Headquarters Marine Corps found retrieved his balls from the filing cabinet and started shooting straight again.
I don't know who told the reporter that the Senate Majority Leader was full of shit but the man deserves a couple of shots of the best alcohol served at the O-club.
Well done. But don't stop. We need more of this. Read the entire article here.
This was pretty amazing. The moron Reid has always been mentally challenged. We don't even have a mishap report yet so no one knows the cause. However, the idea that it has to do with the recent budget cuts is stupid. Combat training will always be dangerous no matter what. Condolences to the families and friends.
ReplyDeleteyeah i don't get the guy. its beginning not to matter, Republican, Democrat...they're all insane and the chiefs were right. the deficit is the biggest threat to the nation. forget the owning the bank if you get in over your head nonsense.