Monday, March 25, 2013

NY State SWAT.

I'm sure you've seen the pic of the SWAT guy in NY with his EOTECH attached backwards on his rifle.

I was gonna let this one go but its just too perfect.

These are the guys that MARSOC, SEALs, Rangers (I don't hear much about Special Forces working with local law enforcement) all go to big cities to work with.

These are the same Cops that have begun calling themselves "operators"....its just too rich, too juicy, too laugh out loud funny to not post it here.

A nice little chuckle to get the day started.


  1. This is the result of Post 9/11 DHS grants. They spend all the cash on toys and gear to dress up Tier One/Ninja/Seal/MARSOC but they dont put the time nor money on training. And no 3-4 times at year in static ranges or fancy shoothouses doesnt makes you a T1/Ninja.

    Why you have full time infantry and SF forces. You cant phone it in from home.

    1. well said. it makes me wonder even more about people that would depend on another man to keep them safe. not everyone that wears a badge is competent, willing to do the hardwork of staying current or in shape. i just wish the military would take a step back and stop training with these guys.

    2. well said. it makes me wonder even more about people that would depend on another man to keep them safe. not everyone that wears a badge is competent, willing to do the hardwork of staying current or in shape. i just wish the military would take a step back and stop training with these guys.

  2. Am I the only one confused as to why they aren't wearing helmets??

    1. snuffy smith that's between the two guys standing up has a helmet on. but the police depts have no clue as to what they're doing. i see them in multi-cam, olive drab, digital desert everything except what should be worn in an urban environment. additionally they wear more armor than guys that are down range.i mean seriously? shoulder armor? really?

  3. You looking at the picture the wrong way. The EOTECH is fine. It is the AR that is fitted the wrong way round.


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