Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Old Skool Pirates in formation.

via War Machine.  Corsair II's and Buccaneers about to deliver some pain.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Damn Sol,

    That is a beautiful photo, featuring two of my favourite carrier attack aircraft, where did you find it?

    I look at photos such as these and, apart from being reminded of what a superb team our two great nations are, I see experience.

    I looked at the Chinese vessels in your earlier post and, sure, they looked the part, although PRC vessels entering Hong Kong waters realise they are in the international spotlight as the former colony is still an autonomous region. But, for all they looked shipshape and all, they did not look like working warships.

    I am a former soldier with no actual experience of naval matters, just an interest, but Sol, do you remember those old sweats (as we called them in the British Army) they looked like war itself, their 'admin' was sorted and they were ready for anything except a f*****g photoshoot!

    I guess what I'm trying to say Sol, is that there is a difference between pretty and (as I believe the US Marines would say) 'squared away'.

    Experience shows my friend, and that Chinese display didn't cut it to my mind.


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