Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Singapore to announce buy of F-35B.

I told ya that the F-35B would be the best seller of the models on the foreign market.  via AOL.
Singapore is expected to announce sometime in the next 10 days that it plans to buy its first squadron --12 planes -- of some 75 of Lockheed Martin's F-35Bs, further bolstering what had been the flagging fortunes of the world's most expensive conventional weapon system.
You want the truth about the F-35?

China is saving the program.

If China had been more strategic about displaying its new stealth jets...if they had been more reasonable when it came to flexing its muscles against smaller nations...if they had been willing to negotiate over island claims then everyone would be willing to concentrate on other things and let their armed forces wither.

Instead they've started an arms race.

SIDENOTE:  A few more buys of the "B" model and you'll see a flip that few saw coming.  By virtue of numbers alone the "B" will become less expensive than the "C".  Everyone is always pointing to the "B" model for cancellation but if the US Navy is the only buyer of that model and they're willing to wait then maybe a reconsideration should be made....Fewer carriers will mean that the Marines can skip the need to fill carrier aviation slots so no need to buy the "C" model either.   


  1. Well said friend. There are going to be a lot of butthurt people when the F-35 (all variants) turn out to be successful.

  2. Why would Singapore want the B model over the A or C model? Nothing against the B model but it seems more niche than the A or C do.

    1. that's eaasy. its because Singapore is about to bring an LHA into service. the LHA is the NEW capital ship.

    2. http://navysite.de/ships/lha.htm

  3. Not just that but the fact that our island city has 7 airfields squeezed onto less than 500 sq miles of land means that there is a benefit to be had in a plane that can operate from 'anywhere'. Think of it in terms of the old Cold War British mentality that spawned the Harrier. And having an LHA would certainly give the SAF some strategic reach although I dont know what the in-service date would be (haven't seen any construction activity at the yard yet)

    1. i didn't even consider the extra land based options that would give. i've been keeping one eye on Singapore...i know that LPD that's in service is considered first rate (although small by todays standards---13000 tons) and i know that the SA just fielded a motorized battalion or two.

  4. Regarding cancellation.
    I dont get why no one puts the A up for cancellation.
    Ok, its the cheapest, but it also offers the least.
    The USAF could operate the C quite easily. I assume the A is somewhat better at WVR, being lighter with better thrust to weight (although my knowledge of flight mechanics is poor).

    1. well the A version could be considered to be carrying the weight of the program. i have a differing view and believe that the B model is actually the glue holding the thing together because i still believe that it will be the best seller internationally.

      the real issue is numbers though. more A's are suppose to be built, B's next and C's the least. and because people believe that the Navy doesn't want the C's thats why everyone is looking for it to be canned.

      what i would like to know is what the classified info on the Super Hornet is. for the Navy to be so stoked about it tells me something is there that we're not seeing.

    2. I would assume the differences between the A and C are so minimal you wouldn't really save much cancelling either would you?

      I mean what does the C get the A doesn't that it costs more? Heavier landing gear? Folding wings?

    3. and a lack of internal cannon and a NATO type refueling probe.

  5. The C has a longer range.
    Could a C without expensive folding wings replace the A?
    "heavier landing gear" hasnt harmed the F18s as (none USAF) airforce jets.

    The Navy needs the C, the world needs the B, the A?

    1. The C model has its flaws too though. The A model is smaller, thus lighter, and does have the internal cannon unlike the C. Also the A model is supposed to be more maneuverable. Also, because the C inherently weights more it carries less. So it's not all grits n' gravy. Both have their ups and downs.

      Thank you:

    2. I really should have mentioned what is probably the most important factor in such a decision. The A model is CHEAPER.


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