Sunday, March 24, 2013

SMSS will help Women get into the Infantry.

The one undeniable fact that has prevented Women from serving in the Infantry is the issue of strength.  Biologically Women are not as strong as Men.  You can find examples of where this isn't true but as a rule its just simply the way things are.

So how do you defeat biology in a physically demanding field?  You do it with technology.  And the long in development Squad Mission Support System is just the thing to help push open a door that has remained closed.

Even with this system (and others like it) the physicality required will be difficult to overcome and I truly believe that it will cripple some Women (its done it to Guys).  But we'll see. Now glance at the pic below and imagine a 130 pound female cross fit athlete dealing with that load.  Gym strength and military strength are two different things.


  1. Heh! Someone is blowing smoke up someones ass. Anyone who has been in the military, especially the Marine Corps, knows that that contraption will never be used to carry a grunts pack. No, on any mission that thing is used on it will be used to carry MORE squad, platoon, company, "mission essential" gear and the grunt will be humpin his pack just like he always has.

    1. the very thought that the Commandant and the SgtMajor are fully behind having women in combat should tell you that they're gonna have to try something or else not one woman will make it. this social experiment is being pushed on the Corps, no one in leadership is fighting it so the only way i figure it could work is by this contraption.

  2. That thing looks too expensive and complicated. I think that we would be better off with the old M274A5 Mule or a new John Deere M-Gator.

    1. Exactly. Know if the gov gets involved the $10k utility vehicles might jump to $20k, but lets have something to carry people and their load that doesn't cost $100k.


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