Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Talking out of both sides of the Marine Corps mouth.

Via National Defense.
Marine Corps officials are eager to return to the service's traditional role of global crisis response force operating from the sea.
Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie, the service's director of the Quadrennial Defense Review, said the strategic planning document, due in 2014, would enshrine that wish.

“We see ourselves as a forward-deployed, hedge force that buys time for the strategically decisive force of the nation to arrive and conduct their … ground campaign, and that would be the U.S. Army,” McKenzie told Washington, D.C.-based defense reporters March 26.
OK.  The return to the sea theme.  I like it, it makes sense, its what we're about.  But then check this out...

McKenzie envisioned the potential of becoming a "continental response force" by using V-22 Ospreys, which have greater speed and range than conventional rotorcraft.“In the case of Special Maritime Crisis Response, what you’re going to see is a forward-deployed crisis response element of Marines that are going to be married to V-22 Ospreys and aerial refuelers which give you truly continental range from a land base,” said McKenzie.
Over time it may become a form of “theater engagement” that would be land-based, but would be able to manage forces that were deployed afloat.
I blame this part on an aviation centric Commandant.  I hope someone realizes that he is in one instance selling a naval Marine Corps and then in the next "enshrining"a second land Army type mission as performed by the 101st!

I don't get this.  I don't understand the thinking.  Read the article for yourself here.


  1. The Marine's HQ is holding the door open for either or.
    Keeping their cards close and hidden for survival sake in a world that holds many, many enemies that seek the Corps destruction in detail.
    Many of those enemies reside in the political machines in the United States and in fellow military branches.
    Holding open the Sea service traditions while also showing a Land centric sea service who have no ships to sail on, Under orders from above, the Navy has stopped deployments on four more Navy ships who will remain at dock for an unannounced period of time said to be for financial reasons. If the US is going to stop it's control of the sea except in Waters CONUS then any amphib Ops will have come from the land based forces.
    It limits our reach to interfere with events happening in other countries, we stop being the world police force in the liberals and the conservatives view.
    America in World war two's beginning was a poor depressed agricultural/industrial third world country who had their Army training with wooden guns and trucks with TANK painted on the side for lack of Armor four years later the Nation became a Superpower. A socialist democrat was in charge.
    This is for some unknown reason at this time is being reversed, we are being taken back to the third world power we once were before WW2, Before the Atom bomb and before 9/11 WTC attack.
    For punishment for America's sin's world wide through out time? Perhaps American's are tired of the worlds shitty little internal religious political and basically stupid wars that only makes the undertakers rich.
    What do I know? According to a democrat next door I'm a snaggle toothed, inbred, slaving, adulterous, Did I mention in bred?
    White bent on world domination.
    Hell, All i do is shoot at squirrels for dumpling's and shovel Horse Manure.
    And there ain't no squirrels!

  2. Or these elected clowns could be really incompetent, that's what scares me.


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