Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The LHA with F-35B's. The new capital ship.

A question asked by a reader.

Why would Singapore pick the F-35B over the A or C model?

Simple.  Because Singapore wants to be a regional power...and that means a strong Navy.  That means F-35B's operating off the new capital ships of most fleets.  An LHA/LHD type ship.

Singapore, Japan, Korea, Australia and China are all building or have LHA's in service.  The only Pacific navy that has carriers are the USA and China.

If you're a medium power and want to punch above your weight then its obvious that most naval strategist have determined that the LHA with F-35B's on deck deliver that punch.

Notice too that I said "with".  Without the F-35B then all an LHA becomes is an assault transport at best....or maybe a supreme anti-sub, disaster relief...but it cannot fulfill the role of light carrier.  With the F-35B's stealth light carrier might not be appropriate (time to bring back the term ATTACK CARRIER!)

Perhaps naval terminology needs to change to reflect evolving technology.  Either way this will affect the buys from Japan and S. Korea.  Once Singapore demonstrates a naval fighter/strike fighter you can bet the others will not want to fall behind.

One sale and the F-35's future got much brighter.


  1. I'm pretty sure Singapore wants the B because of a limited number of vulnerable airfields. They already utilize highways and the B could allow even more basing options. The Singapore AF bases about 1/3rd of it's aircraft in other countries.

    It's not clear the Navy would ever operate an LHA. The largest surface combatant today is a 3,200 ton frigate and the largest amphib about 6,000 tons. Once upon the USAF had considered a few hundred B's just for the basing flexibility.

    1. i assure you, and i'm gonnna have to find the article but Singapore IS going to build an LHA. that sir is a fact. airfields be damned, its all about sea power and the projection of such for that countries military. take a look at how they're building there forces. expeditionary. they have LPD's already. Singapore will not be second fiddle to any nation in the region. that's why they're building such a high tech force.

  2. Singapore already HAS three Endurance class LHDs. Go look at ST Engineering to see what the RSN might also buy.

    1. the endurance class would be called an LPD in any other navy on the planets surface. why they labeled it that is beyond me but they flubbed that one up

  3. Pretty much. An LHD with 6 B's is, whilst unable to effectively prosecute an eney homeland, plenty capable of ruining a fleet at sea.

    Not sure I see Singapore doing it, although there are benefits of course.

  4. This ship is going to have to be a part of a battle group. A carrier is just a big target without support from the other ships in the group. Further, with the limited deck space, your combat air support cap over the battle group will be nil. Especially since the F-35 is not a dog fighter. The accompanying article that you posted about flawed F-35 weight assumptions is spot on as to why you don't design a plane for 3 different roles. Basically, the Air Force and Navy took big design hits for the Marine Corps F-35B. I think that it is interesting that the Navy is already looking at an acquisition post F-35. Looks like the Navy is resigned to having to buy some of the pigs, but are not going to make the F-35 the backbone of the fleet.

    1. You're sort of right, but in my opinion, mostly wrong.

      Yes, the carrier will need a battle group to go with it. That's just common sense. But I don't think the limited number of planes on each ship will be a problem for Singapore. Look at who these guys are going to be going up against? From a Naval perspective the only serious threat to Singapore is China. I can't imagine China is going to start something with them. They have much bigger fish to fry (ie USA).

      Also, I don't think the Air Force or Navy are really getting screwed over here. If anything the Marine Corps is getting screwed. The Air Force and Navy jets, will if anything, be better because of all the extra research going into the B model.

      Finally, the US Navy starting to look at future replacements for the F-35 doesn't mean shit. Look at how old the draft designs for what would become the F-35 are. They started dreaming this jet up in, what, the early 90s? That would make our fleet of F/A-18s toddlers and the F-18 Super Hornets, at best, on the drawing boards.

  5. Battlegroups?


    Think of it like an independent cruiser
    It operates in the deep ocean, attacking shipping, or naval assets outside the enemy airforce.
    It could make passing strikes against coastal targets ect, but it doesnt pick a fight with the enemy airforce.

  6. I think ship-jet combo is perfect Singapore actually. It carries enough punch as to be intimidating to their immediate threats but is small enough and affordable enough as not to be an economic burden. With the F-35s they'll be able to properly defend their assets and if need be kick a little ass on offensive.

  7. Snafu correctly observed that the Endurance LST nee LPD is not usefull for F-35B ops. I could NOT find any plans for Singapore to acquire an LHA or other big deck. Of course some navy could a new one from Korea, OR new one from France, OR maybe by a retired one from the USN sure better than sinking them), OR an old one from Russia (even worse idea~)


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