Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The LHA with F-35B's. The new capital ship.

A question asked by a reader.

Why would Singapore pick the F-35B over the A or C model?

Simple.  Because Singapore wants to be a regional power...and that means a strong Navy.  That means F-35B's operating off the new capital ships of most fleets.  An LHA/LHD type ship.

Singapore, Japan, Korea, Australia and China are all building or have LHA's in service.  The only Pacific navy that has carriers are the USA and China.

If you're a medium power and want to punch above your weight then its obvious that most naval strategist have determined that the LHA with F-35B's on deck deliver that punch.

Notice too that I said "with".  Without the F-35B then all an LHA becomes is an assault transport at best....or maybe a supreme anti-sub, disaster relief...but it cannot fulfill the role of light carrier.  With the F-35B's stealth light carrier might not be appropriate (time to bring back the term ATTACK CARRIER!)

Perhaps naval terminology needs to change to reflect evolving technology.  Either way this will affect the buys from Japan and S. Korea.  Once Singapore demonstrates a naval fighter/strike fighter you can bet the others will not want to fall behind.

One sale and the F-35's future got much brighter.