Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The number one threat to US forces in the Pacific is....CLIMATE CHANGE!

via The Boston Globe.

CAMBRIDGE — America’s top military
officer in charge of monitoring hostile
actions by North Korea, escalating
tensions between China and Japan,
and a spike in computer attacks traced
to China provides an unexpected
answer when asked what is the biggest
long-term security threat in the Pacific
region: climate change.
Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III,
in an interview at a Cambridge hotel
Friday after he met with scholars at
Harvard and Tufts universities, said
significant upheaval related to the
warming planet “is probably the most likely thing that is going to
happen . . . that will cripple the security environment, probably more
likely than the other scenarios we all often talk about.’’
Quite honestly I'd like to be shocked but I'm not.

The Pentagon and every General Officer that's got a Combatant Command has been vetted, drank the cool and believe the doctrine of the Obama Administration.

Accordingly it would have been a surprise IF he had stated China.  That he said climate change just confirms that he's probably angling for a seat on the Joint Chiefs.


  1. "Bull" Halsey must be spinning in his grave!

  2. well i can see how it may not be the biggest challenge but it is a challenge. global warming (whether man made or not) is going to cause dramatic weather shifts, having an alteration of the worlds food supply, causing major conflicts for resources, that could become actual shooting wars, along with melting ice caps that will allow for shipping lanes north of Canada to be open to commercial traffic.

    1. well in undeveloped countries global warming is a God send. longer growing seasons...shorter cold weather....more people have died as a result of cold rather than hot.

      old people dying in big cities because of heat is a result of urbanization gone wrong.

    2. Is it as simple as that? I am on the side of the Admiral, and i am forcasting "water wars" in the area. If you look at China, Cambodia, Burma, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Something will kick off in that area sooner or later, along with the China, India and Pakistan. The Chinese are trying to dam/redirect the southward flow of river waters from the Tibetan plateau, starting point of the Indus, the Mekong, the Yangtze, the Yellow, the Salween, the Brahmaputra, the Karnali and the Sutlej Rivers.

    3. if you want to talk about resources then you can count the Spratly islands as being a bigger threat than water wars.

      the hunt for oil is on China's radar alot more than a hunt for water. additionally if the polar ice caps melt then you're going to have seas rise but even at the worst forecast you're still talking about less than a tragedy and more of a case of man having to adapt to new coastlines.

      additionally everyone wants to talk about the lack of water but the biggest untapped resource that's available right now is desalinization plants. as a matter of fact if Saudi Arabia wanted to they could turn the arid desert into a garden...they just choose to stick to tradition.

      so no. the Admiral is a stark raving lunatic with his nose so far up the behind of the administration that he can't see straight.

      the Chinese are the biggest threat, a mortal enemy and much more dangerous than the former Soviet Union ever was.

      that's a fact.


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