Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The RAF has been insufferable with this...

The RAF Infantry has been insufferable with the publicity seeking over the airfield defense role.

Lets be honest.

There was a catastrophic failure a short time ago and then as well as now they continue to thump on their chest about "the job they do".....Quite honestly its not at all the British way and I'm disappointed.  Reading RAF press releases they repulsed the attack, they took the fight to the insurgents and nothing was lost.

Not what I remember reading.


  1. Doesn't surprise me. Of the UK's service branches, I think the RAF is the one that wants the others completely disbanded. Take their share of the budget to buy more Typhoons or whatever.

    1. what gets me though is that its so un-British. i mean it seriously goes against the British culture that i love....especially British military culture. when i say i'm disappointed that might not be strong enough. i'm surprised AND disappointed.

  2. The RAF is very proficient at PR. From the Red Arrows to QCS to mounting "honor guards" (as you would call them) for Remembrance Day (and similar anniversaries), Good number of bases up and down the UK so there is always RAF personnel available as not many of them as a percentage of the service's strength is deployed overseas. Through in a good measure of Battle of Britain mythology, the Cold War (even though a good chunk of Germany is closer to London than Scotland), and British public ignorance (everything that flies is RAF and sea blindness) and you are onto a winner if your are "RAF". Not fan of the idea of separate air services. Events on the planet's surface dictate where air power is used and not vice-versa. You will see a lot of debate on UK defences concerning the RAF and many of its supporters will bring out the argument that in today's tri-service interdependent world (or purple world as it is known) that uniforms don't matter. If you suggest therefore doing away with the separate air service as uniforms don't matter you will be rounded on as a heretic.

  3. "Not what I remember reading."

    Reading, Reading... That's just before reaching Slough, right?

    Sorry, couldn't resist it.

    Take care.

    [Reading & Slough, W of London by the M4]

  4. The RAF regiment like to consider themselves an elite unit along with the Paras and Royal Marines. As someone with an army background, I'd say the RAF (especially the regiment) are mocked for not being good enough to become real soldiers, and the claim that they match Marines and Paras would make most Army and navy guys chuckle to say the least.

    They're up their own arseholes basically, and they think they can look good by ignoring their failures, spinning it, and pinning medals on their guys for what, as you pointed out, was a giant cock up on their part.

    1. wait! let me be clear. the USMC needs a few of those kicks in the "arse" on the defense of Camp Bastion/Leatherneck too. i guess my issue is that its one of those things that isn't talked about because its obvious to everyone in the Marines that someone fucked up. i just hat the RAF Regiment acting like they repulsed the attack and that they were more prepared than anyone when else---when the fact is the bad guys got in their punches while EVERYONE was caught flatfooted.

  5. the "regiment" should go, there is no need in these austere times, for the RAF to have an infantry regiment.

    1. that's way outside my knowledge base. what i do know is that the RAF infantry is talking waaay too much for my liking.


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