Thursday, March 21, 2013

The U.S. Army – America’s other Marine Corps.

Simply put, the US Army is caught between a rock and a hard place.  Goure lays out the bad news here.


  1. The Army at home, is that bad news for the Army per se or bad news for the country as a whole?

    1. i'm really not sure. i guess it matters on how you see the US in the world. if you're a NeoCon and believe that we should spread democracy then its bad. if you're a libertarian and believe that we should stay out of everyone's business then its good. if you'e a democrat and believe that we should send US forces to protect people then its bad. so i guess it comes down to personal philosophy.

  2. The Army will too busy fighting the narco-cartels on the Mexico border before too long to worry about abroad. Going back to their roots as the song goes.

    Some of us here in the UK would like our Army to get afloat much to the chagrin of others who are still waiting for Third Shock Army to break through the inner German border or worse forget that the UK doesn't have bases all over the globe any more as in the time of Empire. They forget that the only way the Army or RAF really operate outside Europe is thanks to Uncle Sam.


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