Friday, March 15, 2013

This country is a powder keg. I hope our leaders are aware.

What happens when you have a Republican Administration that presides over the destruction of the American economy and then a Democrat Administration that ignores the insecurity found by many American families and focuses on liberal fantasies (universal healthcare) instead of fixing the economy?

You have a nation on edge.

What happens when predictions come true when the same Democrat Administration is re-elected based on a cult of personality not on actual job performance (black and hispanic unemployment is at record highs if it was properly counted...add to it that the campaign was unusually divisive) and again instead of focusing on the economy that same President focuses on Gun Control, Immigration Reform, Climate Change, Same Sex Marriage and other pet Democrat themes?

You have a country that's a powder keg.

The ammo shortage continues.  One writer said that the President and Diane Feinstein have unwittingly started the most massive arming of a nations population in the history of the world.

I wish that was all to this little meme of mine.  But I received an e-mail that quite honestly surprised me.  I wasn't shocked but I was surprised that people are talking so openly about this stuff.

From the Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest Blog...
Be realistic about what you can and cannot do. Like AM said you probably want to lean more towards assassinations than harassment. No point getting offed trying to shoot some Joey. On the other hand doing a 1 man infiltration of a Brigade sized FOB to kill a General Officer probably is not realistic either. (Remember #3 Exfil)
From Max Velocity Blog...
Getting into position: ideally the place you will take your shot from will have a covered approach into which you can bug out afterwards or if compromised. An example would be coming up behind a ridge or along a ditch. You may have to be prepared to conduct a ‘stalk’ such as a sniper does by low crawling at the pace of a snail through cover and concealment. You have to give thought as to how you will get out once the place goes hot.
From American Mercenary Blog...
Others have written this, and it is all true. But if you really had to be a loner, this is my advice. I've never been a loner, but I've thought about it quite a bit.
First, be an assassin, not a harasser. Figure out who the key players for the opposition are, and target them. Target key personnel in the enemies command, intelligence, or logistic structures. You are an operational cell of one, so be as focused as you can on being operationally effective.
Second, mix it up. If you are great with a rifle, learn to use bombs. If you can make a bomb out of bisquick learn to shoot a rifle. Being able to use multiple modus operendi will help keep the enemy from pinpointing you based on your operational signature any faster than they already can.
Third, know when to call it quits. You don't do anyone any good dead. Wait until the other side makes a big raid and kills a bunch of people, then lie low. If your activities stop after a bunch of people die, then it is likely that the enemy will think they got you in that operation. Wait until there is an influx of people from somewhere so that if you resume operations the enemy thinks it is from a new cell.
Now before you get on the phone to the FBI, let me be clear that all the authors were talking about living as an individual in a Shit Hit The Fan situation.

Quite honestly many people are claiming that if a time of life where we are Without The Rule of Law (WROL) that they'll simply "take" what they need by any means necessary.

Again, I'm not shocked by these articles but it does make me aware of exactly how "on" some people are.

Quite simply some people are preparing to go operational against an enemy.

I hope I'm just being alarmist but this is eye opening at the very least.  Oh and let me add.  These blogs aren't in the "dark internet" that seeks to escape notice and has passwords for viewing.  As a matter of fact these are some of the most widely read Survival Blogs on the internet.

I hope our leaders are paying attention and have enough sense to turn down the temperature.

Confidence is not high however.


  1. This link was given to me today,

    Not sure what to make it of it. I lean towards it be a hoax but you never know,


      Yeah, it was done to prove to a Sandy Hook truther here on our forum that not everything "timestamped" on the internet is accurate. Things can be manipulated. But I guess that was lost on some people...

    2. Thanks for that. It was just too perfect. :)

  2. The reality is that our society is only as strong as the will of those who seek to preserve it. Once people start stop believing that a society is fair enough and open enough to allow average people to succeed, they'll start to take short cuts just to make ends meet. And to this I would say look at the poorest parts of America and the coping mechanisms, legitimate or not, that people use to scrape by. What positive difference has anything any Administration done in 25 years made on the lives of ordinary people? zilch

    And it isn't just partisan politics, it's the economic and trade policies of the past 20 years that resulted in the decimation of the manufacturing sector of our economy; in spite of steady economic growth and massive corporate profits, there's been a stagnation of wages for 40 years which has forced the middle class to assume massive debt in credit cards, second mortgages, etc. to afford housing, education, transportation;
    instead of normalizing immigration to allow a steady flow to offset declining birthrates, we've turned a blind eye to illegal immigration so business have cheap labor;
    we bailed out banks that engaged in unethical if not criminal behavior and permitted them to exist without real reforms.

    So when this fragile society is hit be stressors like Katrina or the 2009 bank meltdown, people start preparing for the downfall of society.

    The fundamental organizing principle of a society is security, but just as important is how we organize within that society to build and grow it in entirety to sustain security. Right now our couldn't organize lifeboats for the Titanic.

  3. The only f*cking heat generator here is you and you're self-styled treasonous lunatics.

    1. normalcy bias. keep your head in the sand. if you can't sense that something is amiss in this country and generally in the Western World then you're beyond me convincing you other wise.

    2. Polaris has obviousally 'Drank the Obuumer kool-Aid' & quite a hefty portion!!! If he spouts this specious bullshit then he is the type of individual who is a part of the problem & is worthless unless using him as a bad example. People like Polaris like to run their sewers....quite amusing actually.


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