Friday, March 15, 2013

UPDATE: Others are asking questions too...

I posted a meme where I stated that it appears that several people were close to becoming "operational".

I got this rebuke from Polaris to my asking the question and to those that responded that agreed with my position.
The only f*cking heat generator here is you and you're self-styled treasonous lunatics. 

I responded that he was suffering a massive case of "normalcy bias" if he could not sense that the nation was brewing and that leadership should take steps to turn the temperature down.

While looking through my Feedly Feed I ran across this article from "The Truth About Guns" (TTAG).

Question of the Day: Are Gun Guys Reaching the Point of No Return?“Legislative debates over gun rights, up significantly since the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., have spurred alleged death threats,” reports, “resulting in two high-profile arrests and causing lawmakers in one state to declare their legislature was under attack.” Notice the word “alleged.” Despite the declarative headline—Lawmakers who proposed gun laws face threats—the article uses the qualifier six times. That said, the post paints a picture of a vicious circle: gun guys get mad, gun grabbers call them madmen, gun guys get madder. Wash, rinse, repeat. Add unpopular (with the gun guys) gun control legislation and a few SWAT raids gone bad and you have millions of gun guys contemplating revolt against their own government. Are we there yet?
TTAG had over one hundred and forty responses.

Over ninety percent of those who responded stated that Gun Guys had reached the point.

My question to Polaris and those that think like him should be why are you surprised and why should this not be an expected reaction?

Our President was re-elected with just a tad bit over fifty percent of the citizens that chose to vote.  Our Congress has an approval rating that is below thirty percent.

And yet these people who don't have a mandate from the people, who don't represent the views of the people are asking those same individuals to trust them when they say that they're only putting forth common sense firearms regulation.

The arrogance would be laughable if it wasn't so in your face.  I'll say it again.  I hope leadership is aware enough to turn down the temperature before a "miscalculation" is made.


  1. It doesn't even take guns.

    If millions slowly stopped filing and paying taxes on April 15th, given the shaky financial health of the US and many state gov's, it could have dire consequences.

    Or if everyone decided to stop paying their mortgages or credit cards off.

    Or if they stopped seeking out permits, licenses, paying fees.

    Or started doing any number of illegal things like distilling whiskey, growing hemp, building firearms out of garages and machine shops.

    If people stop believing that society is worth investing their time and money in, it wouldn't take much to bring it to a halt.

    I don't think we're there yet and I think many still wish to pursue it thru elections, lawsuits, etc., which is where I am.

    1. I forgot to point out this:

      what is the most popular TV show on at the moment? A Zombie show.

      Not to mention all of the movies, books, etc. that deal with zombies, SHTF scenarios.

      what is another of the most popular series? A show on the same network where a science teacher, a reputable pillar of society, starts cooking meth and sell it to the public at large.

    2. AFAIK there are States where moonshining in "small" batches is legal. And, damn, some people can distill!

      Take care.

    3. i can take you to some places in the states where you can literally buy it in corner stores.

  2. Most folks when asked here abouts say they will just ignore any gun law they don't like when told to turn them in they say they won't. There is talk about burying arms and using the old VC weapons cache tactics such as hiding in walls of houses, old auto bodies and such.
    In my opinion about 1/4 of gun owners will render unto Caesar (ie; Matt 22:21) 3/4 will just hunker down and hide and store their arms.
    The county I live in is working to get CCW in the city legal for churches and public gatherings so far the only nay sayers are the Official (liberal) Governing counsel of the local University, these are the same clowns who changed The annual fall festival in town to MECCAFEST they do not want on campus carry by students, visitors or faculty. The public schools have already armed the designated persons in public schools the Principal Coach etc somebody has a weapon.
    My guess is, until the Gov starts a confiscation and, or, searches with no knock warrants everyone will stay at peace. Once the door to door confiscation starts then folks will fight.
    Our elected Feds have always felt under an assassination threat but if the feds take our arms the politician's will never have a safe speech, dinner, jog or golf game no more open among the population trip or campaign, everyone displeased will be gunning for revenge.
    I'm thinking even air force one would be shot at when in range.
    The gov doesn't believe American's have the balls to take them on, of course gaddaffy assumed the same and suffered for his delusion.
    "The most illuminating fact is, Obama (D) POTUS US is afraid to even eat at the loyal oppositions luncheon to discuss compromise and working together without his food taster!" This man knows he is making enemies and those enemies are actively working against him he and the other Democrats are in fear of the general population and the republican's.


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