Saturday, March 23, 2013

Warrior Commandments

You ever read something that has you saying "fuck yeah" and "that shit is over the top" at the same time?  If you haven't then check this out from Soldier Systems.

Shrek’s 10 Warrior Commandments
I. CRUSH YOUR ENEMY TOTALLYLeave no room for doubt. Kill them, then kill them twice to be sure, then check and make sure they are dead. Crush your enemy. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. This is not a James Bond movie where your enemy spills his guts and then gets away. Do not waste one word. Kill them and make sure they are dead. If they aren’t dead, they will seek revenge. Crush them not only in body and spirit, but take their will to fight. This especially includes warriors with no honor.
II. LEAD BY EXAMPLEIf it’s time to get your kill on, then start killin’ first. If you need to get through gunfire, get through the fire first. If you lead the way, this tells other warriors that if they want to get a kill in today, “You better beat me!” It tells your soldiers that if they want to prove themselves as warriors, they need to be on their “A Game” just to fight by your side.
III. TREAT EVERYONE EQUALLYAs a warrior, remember who got you to the dance. That vehicle didn’t fix itself. That weapon works because of your armorer. Spend time with those around you. Get to know everyone personally. This will ensure that in any situation, everyone that surrounds you will give you personally 110 percent.
IV. PLACE YOUR FULL TRUST IN NO ONEYou can trust a friend, as long as he remains honorable. But a warrior’s friend today might become his enemy tomorrow. Those who worship you today have envy, and will stain your armor and break your sword if given the chance. When the time comes, you will know who has honor, and honorable warriors will always forgive, for they understand your actions as a warrior.
V. TAKE CARE OF THOSE UNDER YOUDefend your subordinates to the bitter end. Defend them against any and all friends, enemies and warriors. Let it be known to anyone under your control or aligned with you, that you will kill for your warriors if anyone else tries to test your territory or boundaries. This tells others to come to you first; because you rule your warriors. Other honorable warriors will understand this and want that same respect in return. Your subordinates will feel protected and go to the ends of the earth for their master.
VI. TRAIN EVERYONE TO BE THE MASTERIt’s every warrior’s job to want to be the master. From day one with your pupils, you’re training them to be the master. Withhold no information, no skills, nothing back from them. Give them everything they need personally to become a master. If you have 5 masters, versus 1 master and 4 pupils, this will strengthen your force. Honor will keep the balance of power for you, if you are the true master.
VII. LET YOUR WARRIORS SOLVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMSAlways let warriors solve their own problems or conflicts. If it’s between warriors, let them go. Watch every move they make to ensure the problem gets fixed and no one gets killed. There will always be problems. As the master, watching this will show you if the problem was fixed, or if your warriors have a problem with honor.
VIII. ALWAYS LET YOUR PUPILS TAKE THE CREDITWhen fighting another master or formidable enemy, always let your pupils have the final killing blow while you watch. This is the biggest form of dishonor to anther master. Being crushed by warriors of lesser stature will haunt him for eternity.
IX. NEVER WASH YOUR ARMORSavages always smell like scum. They will always bring their families to a gun fight. This includes babies and small children. If you don’t wash your clothes, you will smell like a savage, and if handling savage babies they will not cry. Babies use smell to identify who you are, friend or foe, so smell like a savage.
X. DO NOT FIGHT IN ANOTHER MAN’S PANTSKnow where your own kit is and use it! Messing around with another warrior’s gear is against any warrior code. This is viewed as hiding another warrior’s sword, and he won’t know until he is in battle. This is a sure way to get yourself beheaded, and this is not an honorable death between warriors.


  1. Crush your enemy totally is extremely problematic. Unless you're willing to engage in genocide however much you crush your enemy eventually they will recover, and probably annoyed at your crushing them a few generations back, will just lead to another conflict.

    The theory of war termination rarely gets much attention but one easily make the argument that the harsh terms of WWI directly led to WWII but that the way the West made peace in 1945 directly led to the fall of communism and the real end to WWI/II.

    In many cultures when you crush your enemy you also kill their children so they won't return the favor eventually. Rome certainly crushed, as in eliminated forever, their enemy Carthage. However, for the most part the enemies they defeated were often most defeated by making them Roman.

  2. "Kill the men, take the women, slave the children." CRUMM old school


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