Sunday, March 24, 2013

What's with MAGPUL

I was checking out MAGPUL's facebook feed this morning and one thing struck me.

They made a huge deal about how they were going to move out of Colorado if the Governor signed the various gun bills.  They talked about making plans and talking to various states about the move but ever since the signing....


Not a damn thing.

I listened to a Denver Radio Show featuring an executive from that company and he talked about how agile they are, how they would become a multi-state corporation.

I think the boys at MAGPUL fed gunrights people a steaming pile.  I would bet that they aren't going to move...they will take the sweetheart deal that the Governor will give them to stay...that they're willing to take the hits and hope it blows over.

Those are just guesses but I think gun rights guys need to keep an eye on enemies AND so called friends.

If MAGPUL doesn't execute the move as stated then we need to be prepared to retaliate with a boycott of their products..

If they flip on us that is.


  1. Perhaps they can't get finance to move? Perhaps they are trying to do the right thing by their workforce? Have you seen the NSSF videos featuring the gun companies in those gun unfriendly states? Who will boycott Magpul? Those who are buying everything and anything tactical and tacticool whatever the price yet can't find $34 to join the NRA?

    I would see Magpul as a pro-gun bridgehead in a gun unfriendly state. Well a gun friendly state colonised by Californians.

    Saying that I understand why you are upset. But as the pro-gun organisations and pro-gun representatives have being arguing knee jerk reactions are often the wrong reactions.

  2. there was no anger in my post. jsut asking a question, making guesses and giving a suggestion on what moves gun rights guys could take if MAGPUL is indeed flipping us off.

    short term means jack shit in this fight. its the long range game that counts. once this all settles down and i'm able to buy an AR for cheap because someone realizes that they're not going the way of the dinosaur...when you can buy 10 pmags for 20 dollars that kind of stuff is over is when the gunrights guys strike. not now.


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