Wednesday, April 17, 2013

1st Armored Division prepping for deployment?

I've been tied in knots over the gun bill before Congress, the bombing in Boston, and the almost killing of the MPC.

While I was focused on that, Sec. of Defense Hagel pulled a fast one.  Check this out from CNN.
Washington (CNN) -- In a critical indication of growing U.S. military involvement in the civil war in Syria, CNN has learned Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is ordering the deployment of up to 200 troops to Jordan, according to two Defense Department officials.
The troops, which will come from the headquarters of the 1st Armored Division at Fort Bliss, Texas, "creates an additional capability" beyond what has been there, one official said.
The group will give the United States the ability to "potentially form a joint task force for military operations, if ordered," he said.
The new deployment will include communications and intelligence specialists who will assist the Jordanians and "be ready for military action" if President Barack Obama were to order it, the official said.
This comes as the Pentagon has recently reviewed military options for Syria although Obama has not ordered any to be put into action.
There have been several dozen American troops, mainly special forces, in Jordan for the past year assisting the Jordanians.
Read the rest over at CNN, but I would guess that this covers two bases for the DoD.  First it gives the US Army a workout when it comes to its regional brigade concept and second it will help out the Jordanians with their humanitarian crisis.

I don't expect these guys to go to war.  They might if the situation in Libya Syria (thanks Ferran) fully devolved but I do expect them to be handing out beans and bandages.  Unfortunately because it is the Middle East they'll probably get tagged by some terrorist.  If Hezbollah goes after our guys then you could see unintended drama.

This will get interesting.

UPDATE:  An Army Dog will have to correct me but I thought their new unit of action was the Brigade.  Having said that does deploying a Division headquarter mean anything more significant than what I'm thinking now?  Meaning, can we expect the entire division to deploy or will they still stick with individual Stryker Brigades...or Heavy Brigade Combat Teams in this case?


  1. With sending a division HQ, you put the C2 for three or four brigades, ISR, commo and logistics in place. It can act as a leader’s recon element to smooth transport and staging for RSOI to theater and transition to higher tempo operations. In addition, they can assess the situation and do a force package tailor.

  2. It seems they are preparing to establish "no fly zone". Best anti air -- tanks on enemy airfield.


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