Thursday, April 18, 2013

A black powder bill? Are you shitting me????

via the Examiner.
In the wake of the deadly bombing attacks in Boston, U.S. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) today announced that he will reintroduce legislation he has proposed in a prior Congress to require that sales of explosive powder be subject to a background check. He will also file the legislation as an amendment to the gun violence prevention bill currently on the Senate floor.
Really Senator?

My grandpa knew how to make black powder from scratch.  Do you think that you can regulate something that people have historic/generational knowledge of?

We live in the age of knowledge.  Some cutting edge like printing 3d magazines.  Some is old making gunpowder.

NOTE:  Its becoming more and more obvious that the people in Washington have absolutely no knowledge of gun culture.  They're trying to regulate a community that they have no ties to, no understanding of and cannot relate to in anyway.  It will never work and all attempts at compromise are doomed to failure.


  1. Careful, next time the f***ers will try to outlaw chemistry textbooks.

    1. you're joking but that's the next thing! it almost has to be. if they could see some of the experiments that they teach as a matter of course in high school then these guys would be outraged.

  2. Take away guns from gangs so there aren't drive-bys, I guarantee that you will see homemade bombs, cross bows, knives, etc.

    If scumbag politicians were to just take a tour of any prison and ask to see the confiscated weapons, they'd be shocked at the ingenuity of criminals who have little access to materials.

    Now imagine those same gang-bangers with access to a Lowes or Home Depot.

    As long as the conditions that give rise to gangs exist, they will find a way to kill each other. Pipe bombs, PVC cannons, IEDs, etc.

    Have you seen the new proposals for gun control in California? It's worse than NY. I didn't think it possible, but it is.

  3. Dont forget that when you take away guns, a new biz for Mexican cartels will be international arms dealing and smuggling "real" military arms into the US abd high profit. We are not and island.

  4. It is pressure cookers I fear most. Demand a plan to end death by kitchen utensil. Be it knife or pot.

  5. Your grandpa knew how to make black powder from scratch? Jeez, I must be getting old. It was common practice in the 60's and 70's for kids to make black power (from scratch) and then make their own firecrackers with it. My parents would say, "Be careful with that stuff, OK?"

    You'd probably get sent to federal prison for doing that today. What a world.


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