Sunday, April 21, 2013

A note about the Terrorist's civil rights...

A new and interesting debate is taking place.

Does this guy rate protection as a US citizen or does he now become an enemy combatant?

If he acted in support of a group which has declared war on the US then its obvious to me that he is an enemy combatant.  Its the same as renouncing his citizenship.  Many have done it for tax purposes so why do we get tied in knots when we catch a person acting on behalf of others who we're at war with.

We simply declare that his actions amount to treason, strip him of his citizenship and act accordingly.

No new laws.  No legal arguments, just simple declarations of facts which lead us to one undeniable conclusion.  He is not protected by the rights given to all American citizens.


  1. Would it not be a sign of the strength of the US nation that you prosecute this guy as a common murderer and not afford him some special status?

  2. Where would you find an impartial jury ANYWHERE on the East Coast let alone Boston?

    1. i think you can clearly expand that to cover the entire US. but can you see the outcry if he's taken to trial and found innocent? whoever the judge or jury is would probably get killed.

  3. Treason has to be decided by the courts. Check Article 3, Section 3, Clause 1 of the Constitution. We're not LEGALLY at war with terrorists, there has been no formal declaration of war against any terrorist organization, as they do not constitute a nation. Thus, Fuckface has to be tried as an American citizen.

    1. not technically at war with terrorist? just a distinction without meaning. the Congress has expanded the war powers act to such an extent that acting on behalf of terrorists should be a no brainer for the purposes of being charged with treason, convicted in absentia and then having your citizenship revoked. otherwise it would be illegal for the President to target US citizens abroad right?


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