Thursday, April 11, 2013

Amphibious Combat Vehicle. Back to the drawing board?

via DoD Buzz.
Paxton also said that the Marines’ long-planned push for a new Amphibious Combat Vehicle to replace the aging Amphibious Assault Vehicles for ship-to-shore movement might have to go back to the drawing board under the budget constraints.
“We’re trying to keep it alive,” Paxton said of the ACV.
Budget cuts associated with sequestration were not reflected in the budgets submitted by the Pentagon Wednesday. However, Myers said “you can be assured there is a high degree of thought being given to those decisions we’ve got to make” if sequester continues.
Paxton said they were following the Defense Department guidance to “not self-sequester” and put the onus on Congress for further cuts.

This thing was delayed so that they could dot all the "i"s and cross all the "t"s.

Now it looks like once again a lack of urgency is going to doom this project to failure.

Its really enough to make you want to punch walls.  Something is seriously broken in Marine Land.

1 comment :

  1. Why not make a v-hull EFV with only one engine? Why do these generals make everything so difficult?


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