Saturday, April 20, 2013

Boston War Zone. Pics from that front.

A small collection of pics from the Boston War Zone.  Let's hope (I doubt it though) that we never see this type of thing again.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  LENCO is DOMINATING the domestic armored car market.  How they did it is beyond me but everyone is buying their gear for some reason.

I had to add the following pic I found.  I hope this person's view is legit but I seriously wonder.  SERIOUSLY WONDER.  Quite honestly I think its a self serving comment.  I also noticed that she failed to note that "Westboro" type Christians are few and far between, where as Muslim Extremist can be found practically everywhere.


  1. Who give the right to speak about Christianity to this islamist person?

  2. I don't care what or how Islam is seeing it's terror killings. I will note that so far the Westboro church has not at this point in time;
    1. Blown anyone up.
    2. beheaded anyone.
    3. attacked the Boston marathon or any marathon with the desire to maim and kill.
    4. gassed a girls school with chemical weapons.
    5. highjacked airliners and flown them into buildings.
    It this light actually the Westboro church, disgusting as it's tactics can be is still nowhere near as homicidal or inherently evil as any sect of islam.
    I would say most Christian's view the Westboro assholes as better people than any muslim.
    The majority of American's may hate Westboro but don't want to see the branch of this religion utterly destroyed, unlike Islam.
    Westboro are assholes but they are our assholes and no where the same or as evil as islam.

    1. zebra/twixer, get off your high moral asses, accept her words, for what they where.

      Muslim extremists = assholes giving all Muslims a bad name

      Westboro church = assholes giving all Christians a bad name



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