Saturday, April 27, 2013

CDR Salamander's blast from the past.

I might have posted this before, but everytime I see it I have a serious moment of...WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING!

An automatic 8 inch gun?  Ready to go?  Available YEARS ago!

Its enough to make a Marine bleary eyed.  Instead what do we have to look forward to?  A Marine Personnel Carrier Program on hold...An Amphibious Combat Vehicle Program that can't get going...A reinvention of the wheel with a mini SPMAGTF in Africa that's based off transport by MV-22's (I'm seriously worried that they're going to fly into trouble ... maybe a terrorist ambush ...they read papers/press releases too.  I can see it now.  An embassy reinforcement turns into a shit sandwich from hell.) and last on this list (but definitely not the last on THE list) a Mobile Landing Platform that will probably end up being used by SOCOM for a Afloat Staging Base.

Go here to read Salamanders take on the gun.

NavWeps Website.