Do you remember the above photo?
It changed everything for me when it came to censorship, social media and combat photography.
GySgt. Shane survived the action. Sgt Wells was shot in the femoral artery and bled out.
Killed in action.
And this photo is floating all over the web, on several terrorist websites as a means to provide their fighters encouragement and motivation...and its here now to prove my point.
Forgive me GySgt Shane and Sgt Wells, but this needs to be said.
In my opinion, Sgt Wells' family does not need to have this reminder of his sacrifice available for all to see (I don't know if this warrior had children but can you imagine the trauma that they could suffer if they turn 10 and start surfing the net in places that mommy doesn't want them to and they discover this pic of daddy? I shudder at the thought)
There has to be an off switch. Standards. Lines that we won't cross.
NOTE: This post will stay up, but after 24 hours the pic comes down and gets scrubbed from my blog and picasa photo album too.