Saturday, April 20, 2013

Everyone is ignoring these people. This might not be over.

Did you know that the youngest brother tweeted that he would die young right before they killed the MIT police officer?

Did you hear about these people?
NEW BEDFORD, Mass. —Three people were detained by the FBI in New Bedford on Friday in connection with one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.

SWAT teams raided the Hidden Brook apartment complex and took three people into custody who are believed to be friends with 19-year-old bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the New Bedford Standard Times reported.
Officials said they were being questions about their "familiarization" with the man police have called Suspect No. 2.
Their names were not released.
A resident at the complex told the newspaper he heard one of the men detained talking to an FBI agent.

"They said the kid got dropped off by the bomber at 4 p.m. (Thursday)," resident Joe St. Pierre said. "I saw the FBI agent come over and interrogate him."

Earlier, Tsarnaev's brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was killed in a shootout with officials in Watertown.

The brothers are suspected in two bombings at the finish line of the 26.2-mile race that killed three people and injured dozens more on Monday.

They are also accused in the death of Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer Sean Collier, 26, who was shot to death as he responded to a report of a disturbance during the search for the alleged bombers.
Call me tinfoil hat wearer number one, but there is alot more to this story.  And its sitting there for all to see but most would rather ignore it.

For some reason, news sites have scrubbed this story.  I found it six pages into a search for the third suspect.  I still haven't found a direct link to an earlier news account of police searching for a suspect at a university in the Boston area.  


  1. What you brought up is what I was talking about on another blog.

    Are there more suspects or accomplices? There was mention of a third guy then that story got dropped?!? Are these 2 taking the fall and USG has quietly grabbed the others? Did these accomplices/neighbors/family know and not say anything? maybe there was a handler from Al-Qaeda or from some Chechen organization that was behind these two brothers? They present a certain degree of training, sophistication and professionalism from the bomb making and such but also an astounding level of amateurism from other aspects such as lack of disguises, lack of an escape plan?, no manifesto or broadcast, no video stating claim, weird...

    I am not an conspiracy theorist nut but I am not naive in the ways of USG. Some of this stuff doesn't add up, why do you plant bombs but you never post a video or a statement WHY you bombed and killed? I lived in Europe in the 80s and 90s and lived thru a bunch of acts of terror and there is always some kind of statement put out to the media of WHY? the necessity of bombing. Why not this time????

    Was there a tip because there was quite a lot of security from private contractors at the marathon? Was USG closing in before the attack? Was the "job" rushed and that's why there was no statement? Was it a dry run and maybe the older brother didn't tell his little brother that it was for real?

    Just pure speculation but I like to keep an open mind and believe that we aren't always told the whole story....

  2. I have read about "fucking russians" insinutations, this goafuckers ARE NOT RUSSIAN, they are Caucasus Chechen islamist arabs who killed thousands of russian people, including womans children and old in Chechanya and Caucasus, and now this goatfuckers(freedom fighters as they are usually called) have come to you.

    I expect albanian islamist arabs from Kosovo who murdered thousands of serbs could join them soon.

    1. i truly believe that the west (christians) will end up accepting the fact that the east (muslims) have declared war. we are fighting a modern day crusade only we haven't accepted that fact because its not politically correct. the only thing is this. if someone you've only tried to help keeps punching you in the face, when do you eventually say enough is enough and either say no more or leave the area and make sure they can't follow? i think we're there. between the oil in Africa, Canada, Russia and S. America we don't need to have any more relations with the Middle East.

      its time to sever ties with that part of the planet. either that or we turn it to glass and let Exxon run wild.

    2. Well Sol Christianity is a dying breed. It's being replaced in the west by extreme secularism, blossoming atheism, irreligiousity, wide spread apathy, and political correctness.

      So, I don't think we (the West) are going to do much about this supposed modern day crusade (jihad?) one way or the other.

    3. From what I see, new Churches being built, attendence at Churches is going up and Christianity is on the rise.
      elportonative77: Just because you wish something is so doesn't make it so most people do not wish to discuss religion outside their family and Church, Muslim's brought this to us. Atheism is just the answer when someone asks about what a persons religion is, it's a cover story.
      What you seem to see is just liberals loud talk and vapid fantasies of a world they wish to exist but doesn't.
      All islam has to do is re-create 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing on a large enough scale and America will wake up and nuke the floggin' hell out of some group of haji bass turds.
      Personally I hope to live long enough to see islam decimated and destroyed in detail then placed in the obsolete and dead religions file right next to NAZISM where it belongs.

  3. Islamist is not on the east anymore, enemy had come to the gates of our homes. In Russia every single city and town have infiltrated with islamists(Caucasus chechens, and other asiats).

    Islamists living by the law -- all infidels is a prey. During Reconquista in Spain, this have backfired, islamists in turn there declared outlaws, and this makes country cleared of islamist infiltration until recent times.

    They want to live under Sharia law? Fine! But in every lawsuit versus non islamist, islamist should be punished automatically, regardless of the case.

  4. No doubt that we missed an opportunity after 9/11 to do a crash program "a la Apollo" to become energy independent in 10 years or so. Right now, we could be giving the middle finger to the Middle East and saying Eric Cartmen famous last words: "screw you guys, I am going home!"

    Time for us to get out of a bunch of places like Korean peninsula, Japan and Europe, tell our friends we are still there, love them and ready to help them but time for them to spend their own damn money to protect themselves. I'm not an isolationist since the world today doesn't work like that but we need to realize we can't be everyone's body guard and they need to grow up and decide how much they want to spend of their own coin for their own defense....For example, why the HECK is the USA spending money on BMD in Europe? I know it is also protecting the USA but still, shouldn't Europe be putting in some money? they don't seem to be all that scared of Iran's missiles, then why should we pay for it and be in such a damn hurry to protect them? They have just tested a special version BMD missile ASTER-T, some countries have AEGIS, they have pretty much all the components, then let them damn spend their own money!

  5. There is drastic circumstances arises in Europe, we have at least three muslim countries capable of producing nuclear weapons -- Iran, Pakistan, and possibly Turkey.

    In Europe there is France and UK which can produce their own nuclear weapons, and this makes them immune from any kind of intervention.

    If islamist ethnic cleanings will begun at France -- no one would dare to intervene, nukes would prevent any kind of "no fly zone" establishing.

    But other Europe is defenceless -- Kosovo has demonstrated -- if you begins pushing goatfuckers out of your country -- NATO would always protect islamists.

    Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Kosovo, -- in every modern conflict NATO have protected ISLAMIST interest. Only France in Mali fighting for french people who still live in this ex france colony.

    I wonder what will be better -- leave Europe alone and allow it fight islamism at their own, or continue to protect islamists and other perverted minorities rights by full NATO firepower.

    But if Europe will fall to islamists, next will be South America.

    Try to imagine Mexico adopting islam?

  6. A couple of things. I think materially the Islamic threat is overblown. But as an existential threat it is very real. The Left elite (from politicians to the media) seem obsessed with that culture. And that is where the problem lies; that is what is being leveraged against us. The thought crime of political correctness. You see it here northern towns where they aren't a majority, but a very organised and vocal minority. They will knock a few houses together without planning permission and because they have a core of votes on the planning committee they will gain retrospective permission. They hold a few Koran classes in a house and then register it as a charity and hey presto no more local taxes. Fridays around mosques the sidewalks and no park zones will be filled with cars but the police turn a blind eye because they know it would eat a week of police time and cause no end of political battles if they tried to solve the problem. Same with violations of local laws for taxi cabs. School canteens being forced to only use Halal meat for fear of offence. What all this does is build in the mind of the majority resentment. And that is where the problems start. There is a cultural disconnect between what our government and media is telling us that is happening in our society and what is happening on the ground. Actually the media are probably doing that minority more harm than good by constantly drawing attention to it. In the UK the BBC national talk radio channel Radio 4 will drag Islam into everything. Any debate on any topic and they will drag in some Islamic expert for their view. All very interesting. But Muslims make up only 1 in 30 of the population using official figures. Why does the opinion if such a small minority matter on all issues? It doesn't to me. Compare that with Christianity which the Left regards as minority interest. Yet there are still more who attend a Church than are Muslim here. Actually more attend Church regularly and are active members than are paid up active members of our big 3 political parties. So what really is a minority interest Christianity or party politics? Further you may not attend Church but your thinking and cultural values are very much influenced by Christianity. For that reason I have a lot of faith that Catholic France and Catholic Italy and Catholic Spain will only go so far with accommodating Islam. And the same could be said of Orthodox cousins to the East. I have no problem with Islam. What a man does in his house and in his own country is his affair. But I don't want here.

    1. well said. i have nothing against them except for the fact that they're trying to kill us.

      if it was the peaceful religion that all claim then i'd be more than happy to put up with whatever weirdness i think they have but sorry. light off a bomb and i'm gripping my pistol everytime i see you wearing identifiers or i profile you.

      sorry that's the reality of it. i don't want to mess with anyone. let me know that you hate me and i'll avoid you. let me know you hate me and you pursue me and i'll put you down like a rabid dog. that's the difference.

      these little fuckers stated that they despised the US but instead of moving they attacked us. sorry but that makes them targets. not sympathetic but enemies of all US citizens.

    2. I always thought myself to be a tolerant and well read person who tried to look beyond the headlines and hysteria of the masses. But when it comes to Islam I have come around to thinking that more extreme views held by some the Left will give no voice to may be more right than wrong.

      What swayed my view was a few years back when I returned to education. I took two course one at the local community college as you would call it and then a year or so later at the local university. I am a bit of "people watcher" and from the sidelines like to watch mankind. At the community college, the student body mainly 16 to 19 year olds, I noted how cocky the young Pakistani males were about the place. They dominated a corner of the dining room and the white males gave it a wide berth. I noted how "tactile" they were with white girls; even though amongst white teenage girls it was common knowledge that such relationships would end up being problematic. (I was youth leader in the inner city for over a decade so I know of such happenings.) While Pakistani girls sat in another corner (there was always a buffer zone of empty tables around them even though the canteen was small) under the watch of one or two Pakistani boys. Myself and other adults on my course would take notice and sat where we wanted. This irritated Pakistani boys but they were at a loss of how to deal with us. Like I said if not exactly organised they were cohesive and the white boys were just getting on with being teens. Older men were a problem of different colour. After community college I went on to the local university. There I witnessed similar behaviours but it was more political. I noted how a building that was once student accommodation office was now an Islamic centre. I noted how Pakistani males would remove notices from campus boards for groups and activities they didn't like. I would listen to them waiting to go into lectures discussing their sexual adventures with white girls (often calling them whores) and then in the lecture they would speak loudly about Western attacks on Islam and the West's lack of morality. If I was on Campus on a Saturday evening they would always be a group of Pakistani boys drunk somewhere. Along with the rise of China (and the implied collapse of the US) Islam seemed to be a favourite subject to bring up in any and every tutorial. I saw much more than the few things I have outlined here. And in the end I started to wonder as I said if the more extreme voices ranged against Islam may have something valid to say.


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