Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Evil thoughts. Multiple attacks could cripple us.

IF.  What if multiple attacks were to occur in different cities across the US?

Federal Law Enforcement is being pushed to the brink in dealing with this one incident.  What would happen if a real war were declared on America?  We have experience in dealing with one day of horror.  The news media is good at milking these incidents for all they're worth.

But what happens if Boston, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles are all victims of car bombings/assassination of LEO's on the same day or even the same week?

You would have terror personified.  We've never experienced that and the closest we've come are the DC Sniper and the LA Cop Killer cases.  In the DC Sniper case, you had a whole region terrified.  Commerce almost came to a stop.  In the LA Cop Killer incident you had law enforcement adopt a defensive crouch that left the rest of society to fend for itself.  Combine the two with explosives mixed in and you have anarchy.  Chaos.  A breakdown of law and order.

One day the terrorist will figure it out.  They'll pull off coordinated, multiple attacks across a region or nation and that will be a sight to behold.


  1. Where do you get "pushed to the brink" from?

    Most of the LEOs & FRs involved are local, not federal.

    1. they're rushing bomb techs in from around the country to help with this incident. that's the push to the brink asshole. there are only a few people that are on the federal payroll that meet the needs of a bombing investigation.

      we probably disagree on this subject to such an extent that further conversation with you on this or other topics will be a waste. so while i'll keep you comments on my page, i won't feel it necessary to respond to you.

  2. You should grab a copy of Larry Bond's "the ennemy within" and "Day of Wrath" (I was actually reading the second one during the 9/11 attacks while my mother was reading Clancy's "Debt of Honor" when she switched the TV on and saw the pictures, calling me to come and see a new Clancy movie before realizing it was live).

    Bond do study in these books some multiple attacks on the US soil, they make for a nice novel and food for thoughts.

  3. IT would be like a tornado outbreak but I think we could handle it

  4. Peter, I disagree. People can expect a tornado, even be warned of imminent danger of them. We can plan for disaster response, so we minimize our fear of them by preparing for them. They are also random in terms of how and where they strike.

    But terrorists plan where and how to strike in a way that causes the most damage, pain and terror.

    We live in a society that depends on upon electricity, fuel and just-in-time logistics to provide food, transportation and, in certain climes, warm shelter. It requires easy access to currency via debt/credit cards, ATMs, etc bundled up into nodes that are fed by data and electricity.

    100 hezbollah or AQ or cartel or NORK terrorists could hit the electrical grid, internet, water treatment plants, bridges, tunnels, refineries, chemical plants, shopping malls, schools, hospitals in a planned campaign of targeted destruction meant to a.) paralyze commerce b.) create huge shortages of potable water/food/shelter and c.) decrease support/faith in government ability to protect and recover.

    What if the terrorists hit shopping malls, then oil refineries, then the electrical grid and then targeted chemical plants near metropolitan areas. Big clouds of poisonous gas, heading towards populated areas that are paralyzed by no electricity with people already sitting in cold, dark houses.

    these enemy terrorists could even choose to follow in the wake of a natural disaster e.g. a hurricane, forest fire, tornado outbreak, earthquake to further isolate a particular region from receiving aid and magnify the threat to shelter, potable water, food, fuel, etc.

    Just think what 10 attacks similar to what happened yesterday could do if they happened at shopping malls instead? would anyone go near a shopping mall for the next two weeks? what would that do to retailers? the economy? employment?

    Would we recover? Sure, we can rebuild, but that isn't to say after an enormous amount of pain and damage to the system was inflicted.

    1. well said Paralus but you're attacking faith systems by speaking the truth. for some reason people want to feel like they can depend on the system to provide them protection when in reality the system depends on the people in order to remain working. what you're talking about are monkey wrenches that can easily be thrown into the works that could lead to at least societal collapse in certain geographic areas. a scary thought (and i mean actually scary, not in the way that the term is often used today) that should give most pause.

    2. We have been through all of that if you get to live in a tornado outbreak I've lived or two of them in recently years.I'm talking about not only this town your has been severely hit but also the next town has been severely, chemical plant with severely damaged, power shutdown, cell phone towers knocked out, etc
      we can handle that well lot of people don't realize that, The only thing it would accomplish is the shock but will be over in a week time

    3. an act of God is one thing. an act of man is something else. no one asks why after a tornado..or even an earthquake. after a bombing everyone asks why and who did it and what was there motivation.

      how can you so easily forget the panic that shot through the LAPD? that was one man with a rifle targeting law enforcement. what happens when you have four men running around a gunfree city targeting any and everyone? mass panic.

    4. Was you in LA when that happens most people didn't care a lot of people were hoping he would kill more cops but I hear what you're saying
      all I saying is People adapt pretty quickly so I'm giving people credit
      the person or persons doing an attack won't get very far

    5. i wasn't in LA and you're right. the community didn't care as long as all he was killing was cops. but you're still giving people too much credit. quite honestly the attack yesterday while effective (looking at this from a military viewpoint) still didn't achieve as much damage as possible. imagine if he setup one bomb to go off. and then delayed the second by five minutes to get 1st responders....and then another by another 30 min to get those that came to help the 1st group of 1st responders to get slaughtered. and trust me. i'm not that advanced a strategist to come up with some really diabolical ways of doing a bombing better. get a Force Recon or Ranger or Special Forces (especially a Special Forces Weapons Sgt) to plan a terrorist attack and then it goes from a scary attack that i could plan to one that would chill and shock the nation. all i'm saying is that the spirit of this nation is based on shopping and gossiping about celebrities. there is no real backbone and people talking about how strong we are talk about it by "defying the terrorist by going to a baseball game on friday" i mean really? seriously? that's how modern america defies terrorism?

      we're weak as water and you know it, the president knows it and joe six pack knows it too. the only question is this. are you gonna be part of the effort to toughen up? i am. are you?

    6. to what end do you think we need to toughen up?

    7. look at the faces of the senators today. does that look tough to you? as a society i would say that we need to focus on REAL societal issues. gay marriage is not important right now. neither is immigration. what is important? our economy. our dependence on middle eastern oil. we must decide how we're going to approach the middle east as a nation, not a collection of think tanks. s ame with china. are we so greedy that we'll prop up a communist country or will we man up and buy more expensive goods from free nations and totally boycott goods from totalitarian states. thats a small start.

  5. It would not be the first case in history. See the IRA campaign in the UK or the ever present threat in Israel. Especially in the case of the latter, as Solomon said, the only solution is to educate the society to respond accordingly. I agree though that the situation in the US is different, due to its size, population and diversity.
    On another note, slightly related to this, look at what Hollywood and the gaming industry is up to when it comes to terror campaigns. In the last two years you had Russians invading (Modern Warfare series) and even the North Koreans (Homefront, Red Dawn). What's up with this?

    1. Alex one would need a force the size of a small army to accomplish it and I have to be organized I'm pretty sure is the only way someone to pull this off is if they were States sponsored meaning after the event we're going to war with somebody
      Unfortunately video games and Hollywood severely underestimate how powerful the United States military really is
      I couldn't play Modern Warfare or Homefront without laughing, Red Dawn was just plain stupid But you have to remember all those stories all based on fear. fear sales , just like sex sells

    2. you amaze me. the total lack of imagination, the belief that the society is as powerful as you think...the idea that it could never happen.

      it doesn't make sense to debate this with you because we're attacking your BELIEF system, not your logic. the attack by airliners on 9/11 was once thought to be based in fiction but it actually happened. and after what we just experienced in Iraq and Afghanistan do you actually believe we'll go to war over a terrorist attack again? they better use chemicals and nuclear weapons or that is very much in doubt.

      additionally the professionals all do the what if game. its called wargaming. it has nothing to do with call of duty or any other video game.

      for you to make that comparison shows how little you actually know about the terrorist threat.

    3. no I think could happen and 9/11 was not that hard to do or come up with, it only took 19 al-Qaeda terrorists and four passenger airliners,


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