Tuesday, April 09, 2013

I want to know the debate.

I posted a video yesterday that was approved by the US Army and showed (not exactly "showed"...it more likely "implied" through sound) US Army Soldiers under fire and one/many being hit by RPG fire.

I said I had mixed feelings on the subject.

I still do.

But the author of the piece stated in the comments that he it was "an honor to write it and an honor to serve."

What a juvenile response.  No one's questioning his honor.  But someone's mother is gonna find that vid and recognize her son in pain.

All I'm questioning is whether this is a good idea or not, and what was the debate like before it was posted.


  1. And mothers will read that all of them is winners heroes and returned alive, including K9.

    Reading full story was truly an honor. Not only well described and documented mission but also a good depiction of how NATO tries to finish the job that USSR has begun -- establishing modern government system in Afghanistan.

    1. geez. am i the only person that gets the big picture. this is social media run amock and the us military is having trouble keeping up. its really understandable. lack of adult supervision, troops will always push the envelope and people are always lack until something happens to bite the organization in the ass and then people over react in the other direction.

      all i'm saying is be proactive and put some boundaries out. DID YOU ALREADY FORGET ABOUT THE IMAGES POSTED OF A MARINE THAT WAS MORTALLY WOUNDED...CRYING IN PAIN? the Pentagon freaked out and demanded that the civilian news organization pull the story.

      whats the difference here\? that a service member wrote the story? that its feel good? i just want to know what the debate was at headquarters and how they determined that this was ok. cause trust me. you'll see images and soon see US troops die on your laptop if this isn't clearly defined and rules established.

      but that's just my opinion and i could be wrong.


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