Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Integrated Air and Missile Defense

Great vid of an integrated system designed to take down high end threats.

But did you notice whats missing?  Ground forces moving on the attack and the ability to defeat cruise missiles, ground attack missiles and drones.

We're becoming very good at destroying ICBMs.  We're even capable of knocking down SCUD type missiles.  Lower end threats might prove to be a problem and there is no focus on that issue.  That is where the threat will emerge.


  1. The entire focus of this animation was on BM threats. There were a lot of pcs missing from the puzzle, including pure air threats. Back in the day when I was with 2nd LAAM we provided our own ground defense. Now there was supposed to be an outer defensive infantry layer beyond that but for the most part we rarely saw that. It was our folks pulling duty on the gear, and then a second shift on the perimeter.

    The iHAWK system that we had was capable of BM defense as well as low to high level air defense. Today's systems seem to be more specialized and more reliant on integrated data links that will have both capacity and reliability issues in a hostile environment. I love the video, and the "multi-national" mutli platform concept that they depict but that level of communication and data integration is really, really difficult. Throw in the fact that you are using mobile platforms, in an expeditionary environment... it will be challenging to pull it off reliably, every time.

    Just my two cents worth.

    1. your 2cents are worth millions. i just hope HQMC is listening. we need to get the capabilities that you guys brought to the table back in the Corps. today. not in 10 years but today. bad things will happen and Marines will dies because of the gap in capability.

  2. Yeah, I ain't buying it. No cruise missiles, no drones, no fighter aircraft, no special ops on the ground hitting radar/missile sites. That vid is way too clean. Just sit back, watch the monitor, press the button...presto-chango... threats defeated.

    What would it do in the Far East were the Chinese have 1000 MRBM aimed at Taiwan and are adding a hundred more each year.

    1. It's the sitting back in a "Mission Control" kind of room that really stands out. The bandwidth required to support that level of data flow, and the permanence of that kind of facility does not support a forward deployed force. This video feels more like a "DEW Line" kind of force.


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