Sunday, April 14, 2013

Is the artillery raid dead?


The Army and Marines both train hard to conduct artillery raids.  The basic concept is to fly in your artillery, set it up, fire a few rounds and then depart before the enemy can react.

But is the concept dead?  Is it a hold over of the aviation and artillery communities that no longer really applies in today's era of warfare?

I think so.

The only modern examples that I could find of "true" artillery raids occurred during Gulf War 1.  Stuff is sketchy on whether these raids took place during Gulf War 2.

The issues with doing an artillery raid today are plentiful.  Detection of aircraft flying in the guns.  Saturation of the firing point by counter battery fire before the raiders even get the first round out.  The ability of a couple of Multiple Launch Rocket Systems to lay down more fire in a single salvo than a battery of guns can in several minutes of action....the list goes on.

For land forces, in my opinion, the artillery raid is dead.