Sunday, April 21, 2013

It was Martial Law.

I fell for the propaganda.

I bought into the lie that police politely went door to door asking to search people's houses.

That couldn't be further from the truth.  The video above is just one example of heavy handed tactics being used against the innocent.

Once we get further down the road, you're going to see a massive blowback against the police.  I hope they're enjoying the limelight now, because its going to be spotlights on their conduct during this emergency that will be in view in just a few short days.


  1. Wow. A couple of things struck me about this whole affair. One in places like LA and Chicago there are houses and cars full of armed "outlaws" who don't know how to shoot (and are probably as much a danger to themselves with guns as anybody else) yet the only police presence in most of the cities is two personnel in a car wearing basic vests and the heaciest thing they carry is an AR or two that they qualified on months ago (and they too are as much a danger to innocent bystanders because they aren't proficient in their use of arms in combat.) Yet in Boston we have one guy and more men on the ground than it took to invade Grenada. And the other thing that struck me is that some of your US law enforcement bods don't impress with their weapons drills. Some look dangerous; no not to the terrorist to everybody around. Some look like they are struggling to remember which end the bullet comes out of and seem to be wearing very new kit or kit that hasn't seen much real use. And to think some more extreme gun owners thought the Feds would come for your guns. On this display I think any Fed who supported a gun grab and took to the streets of the south or mid-west wouldn't get too far. (By Fed I mean civilian armed government official, my understanding is that the rank and file of the US Army and USMC wouldn't take part in such actions due to their convictions and oath of service.) Scary stuff. Scary, scary stuff. Welcome to Obama's America where there is martial law on the streets of one of the oldest cities in the US, a city that sits at the centre of US culture, and yet the drug cartels treat the southern border as a waypoint.

  2. The odds were the Police would have hit a homeowner who resisted for legal or illegal reasons before finding a bleeding terrorist.
    They went armed to fight subdue and kill citizens who stood for their fourth amendment rights.
    They went armed and mean in case they ran into a meth lab, coke house or other drug operation also.
    The Police went hardass because they were scared, having been fed liberal dogma and political correctness towards muslims and then tasting the shit in the sandwich when it got served at the marathon.

  3. I recall our Police force, S&W M-10 in .38 spl round nose lead. 6 shots in the revolver 6 in loops on the belt.
    A flashlight and a sap.
    The Police cars were black and white with a single red light as well as a window mounted spotlight
    A two way radio was the communications device, it stayed with the car, not the cop.
    back up weapon was either a five shot pump shotgun or a 30/30 rifle.
    These guys were kitted out for landing on a bug planet in Starship Troopers.


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