Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Law Enforcement sees the writing on the wall. Trouble is coming.

via AMMOLAND Blog.
New York -- The New York State Troopers PBA has released a statement expressing its hope that opponents of the SAFE gun control law will appreciate the fact that its members “did not write the terms of the bill nor vote on its passage”.

“The NY SAFE Act has been a controversial and emotional topic since its passage in January of 2013.
The NYS Troopers PBA, representing more than 6,000 active and retired members, has reserved public comment as we worked within the legislative process of NYS government with the hope of affecting changes to the law. Our membership holds widely shared concerns of this new law. Additionally, we believe that actual enforcement of these new regulations will significantly increase the hazards of an already dangerous job.
Polls have shown that increased firearm regulations are not popular in the more rural and upstate regions of our state, which is where the majority of our members live and patrol. Additionally, some in mainstream media have already irresponsibly increased the anti-police rhetoric, which fosters additional resentment of law enforcement. Even some of our elected officials, like Senator Ranzenhofer and Assemblyman Gabryszak, are calling for a probe of our members and their efforts to meet the standards of this new law.

It is the responsibility of this union to defend the reputation and safety of our members. Potential legislative changes as well as pending court decisions may further alter the terms of the SAFE Act. The individual members of this union did not write the terms of the bill nor vote on its passage. We urge the citizens of New York State to remember that Troopers are simply tasked with the lawful mandate to enforce the laws of the State, regardless of their personal opinion of such laws.”
The Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers, Inc. is dedicated to improving the terms and conditions of employment for our members.
Our membership consists exclusively of uniformed members of the New York State Police from the rank of Trooper through the rank of Major, both active and retired. The PBA advocates for the rights of its members and takes action in a variety of ways, and is the official voice of the membership.
Pain is coming boys and girls.  You can hide your head in the sand and think that all is well but the truth is finally coming out.

Resistance against what many see as an overbearing government is reaching critical mass.

When a police union is making statements like this then you know the fear concern in the Law Enforcement community is becoming a fact...no longer a theory.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  We need adults in Washington because this nation is on the brink.


  1. At beginning, I agreed on the no weapon law, because I always lived with that in France but now, i just think your government lost its goal.

    Your gun and ammo sellers could submit identity to a police system that would just answer : this guy can buy or not, without saying if it's psycho, criminal ...

    Another thing is in your country children can own weapon... but can't drink alcool until 21 years old... you could just forbid weapon until same age...

    And i read that in some countries, people can own RPG and machine guns... perhaps it could have some work on that, despite it seems nobody used that to commit massive assassinations..

    1. i get what you're saying but i want to focus on this article. what the New York State police association is worried about is targeted assassination of its members. not mass attacks like we saw yesterday.

    2. Children cannot own a gun. With very few exceptions, you have to be 18 to buy a rifle and 21 to buy a handgun.

  2. The Obama democrats are turning everyone against everyone, it's the way they do community organizing.
    The very Police the democrats expect to do their dirty work are hated just as much as the gun owners are by these liberals.
    Don't forget Obama's BFF, mentor and book writer was a terrorist who wished to kill Policemen.
    Caught between the population and the government bent on destroying the Constitution the police will most likely do as is done in Mexico, and cross over to one side or the other.
    I would not wish to be a government official or highly visible representative of what the gov. wants to ban and confiscate these days.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I guess the Troopers must have failed Constitutional Law at the Academy or maybe it's no longer taught. What about their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of New York...
    What about carrying out the laws of the state,.... When are they going to arrest the Governor? What about Sheldon Silver... This state is like something out of the old west... This is my state, I own this state! .... Andrew Cuomo...


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