Tuesday, April 30, 2013

LPD Flight II: Ballistic Missile Defense Capable


  1. Replies
    1. i disagree. if you're not using nuclear power plants then you're gonna need a big hull to generate enough power to work your lasers and rail guns (a big hull to pack the generators needed)...additionally if you're going to have a BMD ship then you're gonna need a big hull to carry enough of the patriot sized missiles to make it work. the LPD hull has shown that its slick enough to keep up with destroyers and carriers so it is the perfect platform for these new missions.

  2. Mitt Romney wanted to do this, replacing the Ticonderoga Class. Arleigh Burke class destroyers are smaller and carry less missiles than Ticonderoga. I think this is a great idea. The Russians got that big ass nuclear powdered Kirov class cruiser. We could make a LPD variant similar to Kirov.

  3. I think we need to make a new cruiser design that's a mix between the Long Beach class nuclear powered cruiser and the now cancelled next generation Cruiser this design would be the equivalent of a modern day battleship but keeping it only in the 15000tons Range

    the San AntonioBMD ship would be about the size of the Kirov class cruiser around 25000tons, a cruiser that size we would at best get about 6 to 8 ships
    my ship would get us 12 to 16 ships

  4. I think we need to make a new cruiser design that's a mix between the Long Beach class nuclear power cruiser an this is now cancelled next generation Cruiser this design would be the equivalent of a modern day battleship

    1. Why when you have a proven LPD platform? The ships will share majority of the parts, keeping costs down.

    2. first Cheap is good but if you go to cheap you just wasted your money
      Second Math
      12 to 16 (hopefully 24 to 26) of my ships that are 17000tons vs your LPD are about 25000tons (=to Kirov class) so likely we would only get 6 to 8 of them if we are lucky, the Ballistic Missile Defense is not to protect us at home its to protect our 11 Carrier strike group and 12 Expeditionary Strike Group thats a need for 23 ships I don't see Us making 23(Kirov-type/size)LPDs, a nuclear powered Zumwalt type is the better buy

    3. First of all, your ship doesn't exist so how can you be saying your idea is better? A nuclear powered Zumwalt would be well over 3 billion dollars. I also don't understand when you say a cross between a Beach class and the cancelled CG(X) next generation cruiser, they're two different hulls. Nuclear powered CG(X) was estimated 3.2 billion, way over priced. Arleigh Burke class destroyers are about 1.6 Billion (2012). Flight III versions are supposed to be 3 billion each. San Antonio Class is between 1.6 and 2 billion. It would most likely be cheaper even with the weapons system's installed than your ship based off CG(X). LPD flight II would be cheaper on a proven platform and a low observable ship. Also Kirov is 3,000 tons heavier and over 300 feet longer than a LPD.

    4. Washington does not care about money (they keep buying tanks and C-17s that no ones asked for) I am not looking at money
      sorry I mean Beach class + the cancelled CG(X)= Nuclear powered CG(X)at around 17000tons.
      I can see us making 12 to 16 (hopefully 24 to 26)ships that size

      LPD flight II is too big at 24,900 t how many will they make 6,8 or 10? we have a need for 23 at the min, also what else can it do beside BMD can it support rail guns and Laser Weapon Systems

      also the Flight III Burkes sounds better than this thing

      could we make a LPD flight II BMD ships yes but in 10 yrs we would wish we had not wasted our money

    5. In the video it states that LPD flight II has the ability to use rail guns and lasers. I'm still confused, you mean buy both CG(X) and Beach class? Your ship is a new design costing money for development. LPD is cheaper with a greater payload and survivability than Arleigh burke class flight III. Its a little more expensive but not as expensive as your proposing. Weight is not a factor, price and capability is. We can't afford a CG(X) style cruiser, just to expensive. Its a great ship but Washington wont allow it, that's why they canceled it. It has to be under 3 billion per ship if you want success. LPD flight II is the answer.

  5. 18 pairs of 8-cell VLS silos? Assuming they're the Strike length Mk 41s, that's the equivalent of 3 Flight II Arleigh Burke magazines, or 2 and a bit Ticonderogas.


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