Saturday, April 27, 2013

M-60 Battle Tank "TUSK" Variant.

Note:  My Google Translate isn't working on the Korean site that I found these pics on.  This might be new, might be something that our Israeli friends are working might be anything...but it was seen on a US Army transporter.  Noteworthy is the ATK lightweight 25mm gun mount.  I've been wondering when we would see it used.  Any info on this vehicle would be appreciated.  Movie Prop?????


  1. It's actually pretty old. Pictures came up from 2011: - Not really sure of the origin.

    1. well that's depressing. from 2011 and i'm just seeing it now? no body could figure out what it was for though. its a weird piece of kit.

    2. My guess is some sort of a M60A1/A3 upgrade developed for the international market by a team of contractors including ATK.

      I wish the M1 Abrams had a heavier caliber secondary weapon, somewhat like that 25x59mm chain gun.

    3. I do recall reading in a book (that I sadly don't have access to at the moment) that a Bushmaster cannon was intended as a secondary weapon for engaging light-skinned armour, but this was dropped after performance reports from the Israelis in the Yom Kippur War showed that tank crews invariably used their main guns on those targets anyway.

  2. didn't the m60, already have an armored secondary turret, no need for a remote gun, why not just "up gun", that. way cheaper

  3. It's from a Turkish company called Standartbio

    Here is the PDF that was the source of (or used) the photos in your post.

    Feature List:

    New M60 Upgrade Program

    --Integrated 120mm Main Gun Assembly
    --Improved secondary weapons (coax machine gun, commander's machine gun)
    --Integrated 25mm remote weapon system with 300 round ready-ammo box
    --Interface with advanced fire control system
    --120mm ammo stowage racks (objective 40 round stowage capacity)
    --Increased engine, power pack to 1200hp for improved mobility
    --Upgraded suspension for improved on/off road and cross country mobility
    --Upgraded vehicle armor protection
    --Integrated 360 degree, day/night vision system
    --Integrated Auxiliary Power Unit for improved "engine off" vehicle capability
    --Integrated crew air conditioning system with increased electronics cooling
    --Enhanced fire suppression system for crew and engine compartments
    --External electrical power supply: tools, lighting, communications - Main Battle Tank Performance at a Fraction of the Cost

    It was first seen in the US in South Carolina back in Sep 2011.


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