Saturday, April 20, 2013

Medic trying to save the life of the Boston bomber.

The bastard didn't deserve the effort....


  1. Doesn't matter. As a paramedic myself, it is very important to point out that we are ethically and legally bound to do everything we can to save a life, no matter whose life it is. If this medic stood by and did nothing, he would likely be in for a world of suck for not doing his job. If I withheld treatment from people I thought didn't "deserve it" I'd have lost my job years ago and possibly be in jail.

    That being said, this medic might not have been giving "110%" on this particular patient... Maybe just 105 or so... ;)

    1. oh i get that. i just hope you're right and for the good guys he'd have a little extra effort left .... i'm in a weird place right now though. the more i think about this the more i'm really HATING these guys (the terrorists)

    2. I can almost guarantee that the "good guys" were well taken care of in a situation like this. Although there are some petty rivalries in EMS, fire, and law enforcement; in situations like this, we take care of each other.

      I can also remind you that some life saving interventions can be rather dramatic and painful, and that there isn't always time for morphine... I'll just leave it at that.

    3. YEAH! THAT'S WHAT I'm talking about!!

  2. If you dont take anyone alive, you have no one to beat names out of later

    1. no reason to lie. i hope they waterboard, electrocute, pull finger and toenails, shove pins into testicles and basically make every second of his remaining days on earth a torture filled spectacle that will make hell look like a vacation.

      i hope.

  3. It must be saved for future interrogation.

    Islamists have a weakness -- their family and clan ties. Push the clan and family and he/she will tell everything.


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