Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rant. Why do they need Federal Gun Control when states are acting?

This is what we call a starter kit!
I've been reading and watching the latest moves on the Gun Control issue and one thing suddenly dawned on me.

Its a culture war.  Its about control.  Its about imposing urban/Northern State cultural norms on the rest of the country.

Think about it.  Illinois, Colorado, California, New York, Connecticut and Maryland have all passed more restrictive gun control bills.

17 other states have passed laws making gun ownership less restrictive.  If this was truly about gun control and gun control alone then the people have spoken.

Those who support Democrat policies have already acted.  Those that reject those same policies have spoken too.

So since they can't win in the "heartland" states the gun grabbers must nationalize the issue and pass their rules through Congress to get the rest of us to get in line.

Its not working yet, but with people moving out of the North Eastern states/Kalifornia to the sunshine/bible belt/heartland you can expect them to bring their filthy different political thinking with them.

Like they've told us.  This is only the beginning.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I completely agree with you. States Rights for the win.

  3. I completely agree with you. States Rights for the win.


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