Saturday, April 27, 2013

Shootout at nuclear power plant. Ignored while we were watching Boston.

via FoxNews.
An East Tennessee nuclear power plant has added security patrols after a weekend incident in which an officer exchanged gunfire with a man who then fled on a boat.
The FBI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are investigating the shooting early Sunday at Tennessee Valley Authority's Watts Bar nuclear power plant near Spring City, Tenn., about 60 miles southwest of Knoxville.
TVA spokesman Jim Hopson said a security officer spotted a man near the bank of the Tennessee River, which is on the property of the plant but outside the plant's fences.
The man, who was wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt, shot at the officer and struck the officer's vehicle. The officer was not injured and returned fire.

Boston was just a case of some idiots, self radicalized idiots at that who decided to bomb a marathon.

Its not part of a larger plan.

We don't have sleeper cells in the US.  Our security is fine.

Would you like some more crack cocaine or is the amount you're smoking if you believe all that sufficient? 

1 comment :

  1. Poacher checking illegal Trot lines,security guard comes along and says "hey there, Sir we can't have landings here it's estricted"
    Poacher thinks, GAME WARDEN! Jumps in an aluminum John boat and takes off shots fired or boots bumping in the boat bottom could sound omnious enough to spook the guard. Guard hits the deck and returns fire shooting too high. Poacher pulls of and vanishes in the mist. If The poacher/terrorist was really there.
    I say this having stood guard in the dark with a mist floating in off the River and turning basin. Or it was a RECON.


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