Friday, April 19, 2013

Suspects on the run in Mass.

Supposedly the suspects in the Boston Bombing are in custody and caused the shootout with police.

UPDATE:  Looks like they caught the younger one.  The older guy is probably dedicated to the cause and will go down fighting.    This was more than we're being told.  Much more.  This is a full blown terrorist attack.  Not a radicalized individual.

UPDATE 1:  If these guys are students at MIT or any other university and they're talking about amnesty for illegal aliens then the President can stick a fork in his bill.  Americans are pissed and this won't make the people in the South and Midwest happy.  Could this lead to loss number two for the President????

UPDATE 2:   The bombers are foreign students.

UPDATE 3:  Now they're reporting that these guys have been in the US for a year and that they have military training.  


  1. Hm... Don't much see the relation between a _legal_ entry that turns out criminal and an illegal entry that may or may not (pretty likely to end up in petty crime, not so much in terrorism).

    "This guy was registered and criminal, let's prosecute all unregistereds" is the kind of logic used to push... gun control.

    I'm not saying what you should do with your borders, but I don't see the logic, here, as posted.

    WRT "legal" criminals, as far as I recall it, one of the 9/11 pilots was perfectly legal, and a pilot student. Here, at least WRT drug traffic, a good chunk is done "legally" disguised with common citizens on tourist visa, often women who get their kids properly cared for while they are in our prisons. Criminals are good at using the law to their benefit; the common citizen isn't.

    Take care.

    1. don't attempt to take a moral high ground when simplicity is the answer. we can't control our borders and any tom dick or harry can cross over. we can't determine whether students from other countries (countries that have a population with a hatred of the US) are here for actual studies or not.

      the answer.

      freeze the situation at the very least. clean up the laws, tighten entry, sort through the people that are here and register them and then work on making the system workable. but the last thing you do is to declare that its too hard and make everyone legal.

      moral superiority. i hate it. sometimes complex problems require simple solutions.

    2. I tried to make it clear that I'm not talking morals. Not my bussiness what you do with your borders. I'm talking logic (in the first part) and pointing at dangers still present in legal procedures (in the second).

      Take care.

    3. bullshit. you're being a moralistic ass today. don't know what your problem is and don't care. just don't hide behind silly word games.

  2. Suspect 1 (the older one/the guy you see in the picture) is dead. The younger guy (white hat) is on the loose.

    1. even better. i just want them dead. sniper bullet, pistol fusilade or run over by a police cruiser. just kill the bastards and everyone goes home and fucks their wives, makes more kids and gets a good nights sleep.

    2. Hm... dead guys are harder to question. Not impossible, but harder.

      Take care.

  3. I bet some of those Massachusetts liberals in the 20-block perimeter wished they had a gun right about now.

    I am hearing conflicting information about their identities. If they are foreign, how did they get guns? That might be the catalyst for another background check vote.

    I hope they aren't foreigners and I hope they got their guns illegally on the blackmarket. Otherwise we'll see more gun control shit.

    1. "I hope they got their guns illegally on the blackmarket."

      When has this stopped gun control proponents?

      Take care.

    2. It will never stop them, but we don't want them to have more ammunition to manipulate public opinion.

  4. Lived in Waltham, before escaping to New Hampshire. Dense urban area and this morning the media say that they are Chechens. This is MOUT.I fought the Chechens in Afghanistan. Real scary guys. They were the embedded tactical trainers from AQ to the drug gangs and Taliban. They are more professional and will go down in flames.


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