Saturday, April 06, 2013

The Purge...Would you survive the night?


  1. Good depiction of what was happen in "Chechnya" with russian women, children, and old. Except there was no steel shields on windows.

    1. i find the preview too delicious. people living in a gated community believing that they are safe and protected...why? because they live behind gates! if widespread trouble ever comes to america they will be the first victims and i won't shed a tear. after all the same people are seeking to kill our gun rights.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Really.. not shed a tear?

    That's cold.

    People that move to gated communities (of which I am not one nor have I ever been one) are just looking for a safer place to live. It's no different than people who move out of the city and into the burbs for the same reason.

    1. not cold. actual and factual. i'm generalizing but its fashionable these days. those that are living in these ritzy gated community usually regard themselves as the intellectual elite. they think of themselves as being monied and better than the average person. if God is busy and can't fuck them up, i can at least take pleasure in their demise....if it were to happen. why do you think its so popular to de-arm the public? its because those same elites think that the average man does not need protecting! these same elites have police at their beck and call while the common man must wait for services.

    2. The idea of gate communities is so elitist, I don't care which part of the socio-political spectrum they occupy. They are trying to live in a little bubble so they don't have to mingle with the great unwashed.

      "Interaction permits vitality and growth, while isolation leads to decay and disintegration"

    3. "BE ADVISED" There are NO SAFE PLACES on this earth, gated communities have only the appearance of safety.
      A gated community could have perps, pervs and crooks living inside.

    4. A gated community is just the Suburb version of a city building with a doorman.

      It's like they about a locked door, it keeps the honest people honest.

      Same with a gated community or a building with a doorman. It keeps out the "riff raff", protects the assets, etc but will not keep about a determined attack.

  4. Geesh, you two sound like you just came from an Occupy rally.

  5. A gated community is like a chicken house invaded by a weasel or fox, the chickens are inside a fence and cannot get out while the weasel and fox can get in easy.
    It's like the safe rooms, safe until you have to get out.

  6. Damn! this is some kind of liberal wet dream movie.
    Stupid as hell.


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