Friday, April 19, 2013

UPDATE 2: No Miranda Rights for domestic/homegrown terrorist.

They have the 2nd suspect cornered.  If he's smart he'll kill himself because if he's captured alive, they'll give him the best medical care possible, get him back to full health, put him through living hell, let him rot in prison for a few years and then execute him.

If he's smart he'll just do the deed himself.

But the other aspect of this whole thing is ... WHAT ABOUT THE 3RD GUY THAT GOES TO A LOCAL UNIVERSITY!

The news media is really pissing me off.  They're focused like a dog on a bone on only one issue at a time.  Disappointing.

UPDATE:  He got captured.

UPDATE 1:  This should be chilling for law enforcement.  I don't know what's causing it but encounters between Cops and citizens/and or terrorist are becoming MUCH MORE VIOLENT.  Consider this.  Timothy McViegh bombed the federal building and got pulled over by a State Trooper and was taken into custody without incident (despite twisted beliefs I think he had an honor code that would not allow him to kill a State Trooper in cold blood), then consider the incident in Los Angeles.  The guy killed cops without regret but never harmed a civilian.  Fast forward to today.  Yes they set off a bomb to kill many and wound even more but afterwards they only targeted police.  They had a chance to kill civilians..first the person they car jacked and then he hid in a boat instead of taking hostages.  But when the chance came he killed police without regret.

Something is going on.  I don't know what's changed but the police are facing more deadly encounters.  As long as they're militarized I don't think it will change.  The funny thing is this.  I would bet that because they've become more militarized they've made encounters more militaristic.

UPDATE 2:  This is freaking unbelievable.  The Obama Administration is going to use an exemption SO THEY DON'T HAVE TO READ HIM HIS RIGHTS!  Looks like EVIL BUSH was right again!


  1. What third guy? I know that there were several 'persons of interest' throughout the day, but never heard of a third suspect, or who any of those POIs were or what happened to them.

  2. Supposedly there are 3 additional people taken into custody earlier but the feds are calling the shots so the media won't find out for a while what exactly is going on. Call it a miracle we captured this kid alive, i put it early at a 10% chance.

    I'm here in South Boston. Black hawks and police helos going over all day. My mom works in Cambridge and it was totally shut down, everyone was told not to come in today. Actually, one of the women she works with in her small building lost her leg on Monday - my mom said she is soft spoken and very nice so god bless her.

    Southie has been locked down all day like the rest of the surrounding city, I didn't go to work today as we were advised not to. All the metros were shut down, no cab service until 4ish, both the bruins and sox game was canceled. My friends in downtown said it was a ghost town and people were told to lock their doors.

    It makes me think if two punks could shut down commerce in a city like Boston, we are woefully unprepared for future events. I'm going to guess the entire economic impact of this could exceed a half a billion, just think the loss of production in a city this size for a day and half plus the cost of running the massive security forces. The police and federal presence is like marshal law, I've seen MRAP looking vehicles all day driving around. You would think we are fighting Godzilla...

  3. that's my point. now imagine if we had the same thing that happened in Boston, happen in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles at the same time!?! We would have a NATIONAL EMERGENCY, our economy would go into at the very least recession (if not depression) and our law enforcement would be pushed to the max.

    we're not ready but the "normalcy bias" of most people will keep them from seeing the truth. BUT THE TERRORIST ARE WATCHING AND TAKING NOTES! we will get hit and the next time it will be multiple attacks. I GUARANTEE IT!

  4. "If the Court please, I wish to use the words of Justice Brandeis dissenting in Olmstead to speak for me. He wrote, 'Our Government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example.' That's all I have."

    1. extremely well said. and i get you 110%. until cops back it down its going to be full scale combat. its just how they're approaching their work.

  5. I'm no lawyer and was thinking what the F#UK are they thinking not reading him his rights? Is he going to walk on a technicality? Right? Well, I talked to someone that knows the law better than me and said that Miranda isn't necessary. Feds,law enforcement have enough evidence,videos,pictures,witness,computer, try this criminal/terrorist/scum without admitting any of his statements. This does permit (hopefully) other agencies to use/interrogate him without having to worry about his rights, CIA doesn't exactly care about Miranda to use the info to fire a HELLFIRE from a drone on some dumb ass that helped these 2 brothers....well, that's what I understood.

    I am also curious about the 3rd guy. Is he real or did CNN f#ck up again? Are they keeping him secret? Was he maybe their handler from some terrorist organization?

    I understand that some are complaining about the huge, massive hunt for these guys. Was it excessive? Well, tough call. Do you send out regular cops, US GVT looks like they don't care or it isn't a priority. Also are they equipped to deal with these 2 guys or more? People are complaining about how much gear the feds,ATF,SWAT,etc carry, well, I was in the Army and didn't want to face real bullets without a Kevlar and body armor. I don't think cops are any different, they want to go alive too. What happens if they encounter 5 terrorists with heavy heat and start taking down a couple of cops? Now, US Govt gets called out for sending cops with no's a lose-lose situation.

    1. nobody begrudges the LEO's for gearing up for this guy, but they do the same thing for mom and pop when they're late paying their taxes. if they went full hog only for intense situations like this then no one would complain but they don't. its like crazy dress up. anytime they get a chance to put on gear they do.

    2. So very true, I think 90% of LEO's have the 'Wyatt Earp Syndrome'!!!

  6. Pretty interesting article about Miranda. Feds are probably going to stretch the amount of time before they have to read him his rights bit again not that CIA or US military would care, they just need the intel.

    1. i don't care one way or the other honestly. but the issue here is to protect the President from his base. look at the organization. THINK PROGRESS. the biggest complainers when Bush didn't want to read terrorist arrested OVERSEAS and NOT Americans, but now, they're all for it. lying, twisted, fucks.

  7. Well, I don't know about Think Progress position. As far as I am concerned, if you are an American, you should be read your rights anywhere, anytime, we should (when possible!) bring back your sorry ass and you should face justice.

    If you are a foreigner, say hello to JDAM or HELLFIRE, pick your preference. Case closed.

    1. i feel the same but this "feels" different. i don't know how you would go about constructing citizenship requirements today but for this guy to get his green card on 2011/9/11 and then commit these acts indicates that our immigration and naturalization system is beyond broken. its in need of reform...before we grant another soul citizenship.

  8. Well, the good news is that if the bad guys look at this and go "gee, we should emulate this and do multiple attacks", then multiple attacks will require more people. More people will require more coordination. More coordination means more communication. And more communication substantially increases chances of detection and apprehension prior to the event.

    It is important to note that these guys have apparently been in the states for a decade, and were brothers. The fact that they've been in the U.S so long likely allowed them to buy materials and plan the operation over an extended period of time, enabling them to slowly increase their kit incrementally without raising red flags. The fact that they're brothers makes this almost like a "lone wolf +1" attack, in which 100% of the planning was likely contained between the siblings. If foreign terrorists (or even domestic home grown ones) want to replicate Boston on an equal or larger scale, they'll have to:

    a) Talk about it. "Hey, look at Boston! We should do that! But bigger!"
    b) Recruit/find others to help them "Hey Ahkmed, let's go pull a Boston in Miami!"
    c) Get into the U.S (assuming they aren't here already)
    d) Buy material
    e) Stake out targets
    f) extensively plan and communicate/coordinate their plans to their co-conspirators

    All of those 6 steps carry great risks of detection and thus compromise of the mission by the authorities, and that chance increases exponentially every time a new member is added to the plot. The reason lone wolves (or in this case, lone wolf+1) are so difficult to detect is that the only real chance of catching them is in step "d", while a group of individuals planning an attack can be detected at any of those stages.

    Bottom line: Expect the bad guys to try and one up this, but also expect that they'll likely be detected and fail.

    1. i disagree. with a bit better tradecraft these guys would have been outside the city and across the border to Canada. they just didn't plan properly. they wanted to (apparently) conduct a campaign entirely within Boston city limits and didn't take into account modern surveillance systems. the next guys will know better and will do recon during nighttime and rain storms. they'll also wear basic disguises to hide features. this guy radicalized within the past 6 months according to news reports so the buying of equipment took place within a rather short time.

      i don't even want to attempt the exercise but i bet someone with basic knowledge of police and military tactics could plan a pretty good assault that would put the police on their heels.

  9. I agree that immigration reform as much as I am for it, needs to be looked at seriously and probably put on the back burner for awhile. Not sure what can be done. You can't keep checking on people for years thinking that might go rogue on you...

    Obviously, don't want to go into too many specifics but these guys were very good at making the bombs but real dumb with the other stuff. It's like they didn't realize that so many cameras and cellphones were there to spot them. I was really surprised when I saw the first pictures, you could tell they did a great job of blending in the crowd but they didn't wear any disguises. I agree with Solomon that next time we might not be so lucky, more terrorists, maybe 5 or 6 with a better long term plan of execution could rain havoc on a city. or 2 cities at the same time....The lone wolf or lone wolf +1 is the hardest to detect especially when it involves brothers, come to think of it, maybe Al-Qaeda just learned a lesson here, find more brothers to radicalize. It will be interesting to see how they radicalized and learn the lessons from that because AL-Qaeda will learn some lessons for sure....


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