Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Gun Control can be the nail in the coffin for the Obama Agenda.

I was watching Morning Joe and it dawned on me from listening to that idiot Scarborough.

They want a win on background checks at any cost so that the 2nd Term Obama Agenda can be salvaged.

All talk about an assault weapons ban has vanished.  Same with normal capacity magazines.

They're laying all their chips on background checks and if the Republicans have an ounce of fortitude (talking about the Senate..that bastard King from New York is gonna introduce it into the House just because he represents a bunch of backward ass city dwellers) then in the span of just a few weeks he becomes the lamest of lame ducks.

Lets hope and pray they hold the line.


  1. Completely off topic:

    Sol, any comment?

    1. it'll never happen. the US has too many missiles in the pipeline to bother with recreating the hellfire with a different guidance system. additionally the small diameter bomb is proving to be the all around performer that many thought it to be and finally with the laser guided rocket coming online there is another reason why it isn't needed...for small damage, pin point strikes we already have it covered.

  2. US politics is all about the win isn't it? The White vote didn't turn out because Romney offered nothing not because Obama was guaranteed to win. If only all those gun purchase could be turned into votes. When history looks back on Obama they will see him as the man who put back non-White politics a generation or more. He has delivered nothing solid. He hasn't innovated. Nothing. He has done nothing. Grimy politicking may work in Chicago where the city seems to toil along despite its politicians, but that obviously doesn't translate to national and even international level.

    1. no. the conservative vote didn't turn out for a poor candidate that the Republicans put up against another poor candidate that had nothing to run on. additionally the Republicans antagonized many minorities by not reaching out to them but instead sought to restrict their vote through shenanigans.

      you're mighty close to the edge. i don't have racial animosity. don't confuse my conservatism with racism.

    2. Romney had plenty to run on, which is the main issue that continues to plague us - a shitty economy, an out of control government debt and spending problem, an entitlement system that needs to be reformed, and argued for a strong america. He was a lousy campaigner and a horrible ideologue which makes me like him even more. Romney was extremely capable business leader that argued the path to prosperity was hard work, sacrifice, and reform to our bloated government.

      Obama said the path to prosperity is making the rich pay their fair share and letting the government make all the hard life decisions for us all. His supporters ripped Romney apart for being a white guy who doesnt care, wants to take your obamafones away, hates women, wants to take your abortions away, and profited off of destroying companies and making people poor. Boy did we get screwed.

  3. The longer this drags out, the closer it runs to the 2014 mid-terms which is the dumbest thing possible.

    This has the potential for being like 1994.

    The only thing is that the GOP is still trying to get to their feet and can't figure out what to do about its dying demographic or how to appeal to the electorate.

    There is no Contract with America this time around.

    There is a message out there along the lines of government being too intrusive in our personal lives and liberties: gun rights, Homeland Security budget/priorities, drones over the Homeland, the cost of Obama-care, warrantless wiretaps, etc.

    as for gun purchases becoming votes, aside from the state-level insanity, there hasn't been any loss of rights to anger gun owners yet. There are attacks on the 2A, but the fact is that we've been able to stave off a lot of these threats in part due to the threat of a 1994 repeat. On the other hand, will the gun owners remember these threats and the successes in turning them back in 2014? Will they stay pissed-off enough to remember?

    1. dying demographic? are you shitting me? people like to simplify racial relations in the US but they're extremely complex and the only reason why the Republicans aren't doing better is because a wing of the party IS racist.

      want a dirty secret? from looking at things without passion i can tell you that black people are pissed off with Obama. he has done nothing of note for them. a few fools can holler about Obama phones but that does nothing when so many are out of work. the once growing black middle class is being wiped out. black people are church goers but church leadership is abandoning long held principles in order to support a liberal Obama when every teaching shows them that he is wrong (gay marriage is totally against the belief system of black churc goers).

      the same thing can also be applied to hispanics. want another dirty little secret? most hispanics don't WANT ANYMORE IMMIGRATION! they'll be hurt right along with other low skilled workers if more people are allowed in that will work for even less than they will.

      i won't even touch the issue with asians but you can take the two examples above and multiply them by 10 and you MIGHT begin to understand their concerns.

      long story short is this. Obama won on a cult of personality. his so called coalition is a fraud. this so called changing America is also a fraud. the tilt back to conservatism will be beyond stunning if the Republicans can ever get their head out of their asses. they need to be a party for the people and not corporations. they need to understand that globalizm has hurt the american worker and start taking concrete steps to fix it.

      they don't have to take the standard strong lines on social issues. most people don't give a damn and for gays to suddenly get special rights because of their sexuality is beyond crazy but i digress. the future is now but the Republicans have to be smart enough to seize the day.

      i'm not holding my breath.

    2. I am not saying the GOP is racist or just composed of whites, but the current ideas are held by a demographic that is dying off metaphorically. They just aren't popular with enough people so the party appeals to fewer and fewer people.

    3. you're missing my point. values that you're talking about are held by many people...across race and economic lines. the point is to properly discuss those values. blacks are the ones that killed gay marriage in california. obama has them supporting it along with that jackass sharpton. he's a preacher and the black church was the biggest enemy of gay they're supporting it. remember the black lady that said she was tired of defending the president and that it now seems like she and her husband are going to be eating frank and beans like they did when they were first married????? those are the people that can be reached. the coalition is a fraud they can be busted up if we're smart.

    4. No I get it, but even among African-Americans, the black Churches are getting smaller.

      Look at No Child Left Behind. It was done on the cheap and favored simplistic standardized tests, but what if it had been funded and was serious about getting public schools fixed? Democrats were scared shitless at the potential of NCLB, but apathy by both parties killed any real chance of reform.

      Look at the culturally conservative immigrant families that aren't necessarily Christian: Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh etc.. But the GOP keeps stepping on its dick by framing issues as evangelical Christians AND by demonizing all immigration. Would you vote for a politician or party that was hell bent on keeping your Aunt from Bangalore out of the country. or deporting your parents because they immigrated illegally?

      the Democratic party has no real principles or concepts that it can claim to support. It is a party of shifting ideals, priorities that are identified via consensus and is therefore more prone to a cult of personality.

    5. agreed. lack of a moral compass has pretty much doomed us but i can still hope for a pheonix rising from the ashes.


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