Thursday, May 09, 2013

Harpers Ferry here we come...

With the gun control bill being defeated in the Senate and the NRA convention having come to a successful conclusion, I really thought that the powers that be had finally gotten the message and that they would back off the divisive rhetoric and let the American people concentrate on getting their personal finances together and for the government to start working on the economy.

No such luck.

The internet is AFLAME with outrage over that SHITTY little 3D gun.  Yeah, let me say it again.  Its a SHITTY LITTLE GUN that has the effectiveness of rain on a duck.  What the powers that be either don't know, or refuse to tell the masses is that their are plenty of people with the basic skill set to make a functioning firearm in their own garages.

Do you have a great mechanic that works on your car?  They can do it.  Do you live in the country and know a student that makes straight A's in shop class?  They probably have the skill set.  Do you know a machinist, metal worker or someone that is a whiz with computer aided design?  They can do it.  As a matter of fact I would bet body parts that most CAD students with an interest in guns have probably tried to replicate this guys work.

The horse has left the barn and all that is left is the view of an OVERBEARING GOVERNMENT.

This is just my opinion but you just lost all hopes of a compromise on gun issues with this move.

Law Enforcement and now government agents of all stripes will be viewed with suspicion in the South, Midwest and West.  The President sought to be leader of the American people and with this move he has solidified his place as being leader of the Northeast and Pacific states only.

Harpers Ferry here we come...the only thing we need is a bad raid by the ATF or Homeland Security and things will pop.