Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Military Tech's coverage of IDEF 2013.

Once again we have a major arms expo occurring with very little coverage by the big names in the defense media.  IDEF 2013 is happening now and FNSS & OTOKAR are the stars of the armored portion of the show.  All photos are via Military Tech Magazine.

I didn't notice it before but FNSS has cleaned up and modernized their one man turret.  That's a 25mm cannon with a 7.62 coax...pretty impressive and alot of forces still like the commander to be heads up in the turret for situational awareness.  It might make its way to the MPC or AAV upgrade or even the ACV...especially if they can cram a 30mm bushmaster in there.

I'm still a little fuzzy on what this unmanned turret is called.  I think the vehicle is the Pence and the turret the CLAW...I need to get this figured out....

This is an unusual vehicle design.  Commander and driver are seated side by side in front with the engine in back.  It reminds me of the old M-114 I read about that was suppose to perform the same function...a recon vehicle.  I find it interesting that so many of the world's forces still insist on armored recon instead of depending on the attached UAVs to perform the mission.  The US Army is about to have the world's biggest UAV force and yet still believe in the Armored Cav mission...

I have no idea what this turret system is called on this Arma 6x6.  It looks manned but I can't quite make it out.

So they put missiles on the Mizrak turret.  BIG MISTAKE!  IFVs that have the capability to kill tanks will always seek to engage tanks.  That puts the vehicle and the infantry in unnecessary danger.  That's a flawed concept that even the Russians are moving away from.

Anyone have any idea what the ALTAY weighs?  For some reason it looks light to me...almost in the same class as the AMX-40.  If it is then I'm becoming alot more interested...