Wednesday, May 01, 2013

MLP "ballasting" down.

Awesome pic.  Thanks Lee...


  1. Man, why did the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald start playing in my head why I see this. Freaky.

    1. wow. we're thinking alike. my first thought was what happens when you ballast down and the pumps break and you can't get it back up????

  2. Yeah...that's not a sight I think I would ever get used to.

  3. Sol semi-submersible ships are meant to deballast on an angle it has to do with their balance. Never fear they come up on an even keel (most of the time LOL). The MLP unlike modern Flo/Flos however only goes down 18 feet~
    Go look up the photos of the USS Cole on the MV Blue Marlin. Its deck size has been increased from that (which I am sure the USN will not do to MLP)


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