Sunday, May 05, 2013

NAVAIR: X-47B Completes First Shore-Based Arrested Landing


  1. can't wait till it takes off from aircraft carrier

  2. Does this portend well for the identified issues with the F-35 Arrestor Hook? I hope so!

  3. This will change the strike packages for ever.
    Manned systems operating unmanned systems that fight or defend and both.
    Mixed with High cover manned fighters and have the JaBos unmanned.
    BarCaps that stay out indefinitely with air to air refueling abilities no worries for pilot fatigue.
    Not right now though this is the start, one day a Fast ship will be surrounded by Aeriel and surface/submersible UAVs that can fight.
    The Big ships will be like a beehive of UAVs.


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