Wednesday, May 01, 2013

OH-58F Kiowa gets a new look. Stick a fork in Aerial Scout Program.

The newly updated Kiowa Warrior aircraft, the OH-58F, made a ceremonial "first flight," April 30, at Redstone Arsenal, Ala. With new cockpit and sensor modifications installed, the OH-58F represents the first major upgrade or modernization to the Kiowa Warrior in 20 years.

The "cockpit and sensor upgrade program," called CASUP, converts OH-58D Kiowa Warriors into OH-58F models. The CASUP program is "designed to address obsolescence in the aircraft as well as the capabilities of the sensor," said Col. Robert Grigsby, project manager, Armed Scout Helicopters.

Perhaps the biggest change to the aircraft is that the familiar sensor ball, which is mast-mounted above the rotor in older models, has been moved down to the front of the aircraft. The nose-mounted common sensor payload includes improved optics, an infra-red sensor, laser pointer and laser spot tracker.


  1. Off topic but I found a good article with pictures about the LPD Flight II cruiser.
    It can carry 288 missiles!!!

  2. With OH-58F now firmly in place, I guess it's safe to say we can kiss AAS goodbye. The vendors are duped, especially for EADS this may be the final draw. They got screwed not by once or twice but three times in a row. First, air force future tanker fiasco followed by the reduction of LUH program, and now this! Remember EADS spent millions of its own money on developing and promoting AAS-72, all for nothing.

    1. its kinda sad on a couple of levels. first the Army snuck in and just rebuilt the OH-58F into the old ARH-70, second not only will the EADS lose but so will the people in Southern United States. the American people are losing on this one...well sort of anyway....depends on how much the rebuild costs but the south is about to get raped.

  3. Isn't Airbus seriouslly considering opening up a new jet assembly line in the states (almost certain will be located in the south), regardless the outcome of KC-X tanker program? Not all hopes are lost yet, my friend.

    Back to the topic. ARH-70 is based off Bell 407 airframe, which is larger and more capable than OH-58. OH-58 is a militarized version of the civilian Bell 206. What I really don't understand is that Army wrote off ARH-70 as a failure, and yet decided to offer Bell 407 for Iraqi Air Force's armed recon chopper, go figure.

    1. when i mean snuck in the ARH-70 i mean they took the bits from it. the sensors, optics, engine, transmission and even i believe the proposed weapon mounts.


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