Thursday, May 16, 2013

Real men hold umbrellas for ladies in the rain (Friday Funny)

Sorry but how much of a pussy are you when YOU ASK ANOTHER MAN to hold an umbrella over you?

That's just plain feminized beyond recognition!  Of course this is my opinion, you might disagree.


  1. Press conference under rain.... perhaps they felt romantic :) The Guy on the left is our Prime Minister ( Turkish )

    Soloman here's a news from Turkey: FNSS has Signed an Agreement with Nimr Automotive, a Part of Tawazun Group

    "Otokar stepped into FNSS territory with an ambitious product conspiciously that Design of Tulpar shocked everybody including western public. Wheeled vehicle sector is already Otokar's main interest area and Capabilities of Otokar engineers are far ahead of not only FNSS but also many other leading Western institutes in wheeled sector but FNSS was known as tracked vehicle king along with new 6x6 and 8x8 Pars vehicle family. FNSS can't realized one thing. Otokar improved tracked vehicle R&D capabilities thanks to hundreds of design engineers working for Altay MBT program and At first attempt, Otokar's Tulpar suddenly changed all calculations. At this situation, It is for sure that FNSS can't compete with Otokar neither wheeled, nor tracked armoured vehicle sector in short term.

    Even If FNSS start development of a superior tracked vehicle as competitor of Tulpar, The time to be spent on development schedule, will be a huge loss for FNSS and costs too much for them because During the time FNSS develop a new vehicle, Otokar will have already captured lots of markets thanks to beauty and capabilities of Tulpar.

    As a result, FNSS is desperately trying to step into wheeled light vehicle sector. Otokar's success hidden into FNSS's lazy development schedule regarding tracked vehicles. FNSS supposed himself a monopol for tracked vehicles in Turkey and didn't develop any serious capabilities since 1996 but prefer putting their noses into Otokar's expertise areas with comprehensive R&D over Pars family since 2000's. They have a costumer like TSK which ordered thousands of ACV-300 in 90's so They just sit on their lazy arses to count the money given for ACV-300. When they realized that They can not reach more $$$$ with ACV-300 series tracked vehicles at home, They suddenly changed direction to beat Otokar with their Pars vehicles in Turkey's wheeled vehicle tender but Otokar punished FNSS so bad that FNSS will never forget it.

    Pay attention to Otokar's all statements. They are directly targetting FNSS with their speeches. They always emphasize Otokar as Turkey's sole national institute which is leading sector.. "

    quote is from cabatli_53

  2. Actually I thought it was not permissible for a male marine to use an umbrella!

  3. Its just shocking.
    I was part of an election campaign in 2010, If I was on Obamas staff, I'd have tackled the Marine off the stage and considered the kicking a fair price for preventing that photo.

    1. most people have an off switch. most people have a little voice that tells them when they're going too far. that's why people act like an ass when drunk. alcohol turns off the switch. by that analogy its like the president is drunk all the time. i have never seen anyone so self absorbed that they can't realize that they're making a fool of themselves. to have a Marine stand by him getting wet so he doesn't????? that is craziness that will end up in ads next fall.

  4. It is accepted if you are holding it for a dignitary or a female. I would hold the umbrella when I worked for the COMMARFORRES, back in 96-98', for his wife and various guests. You are not permitted to use an umbrella for yourself.

    Semper Fi!

    Cpl Price

    1. we're not talking about regs, we're talking abou imagery. Turks are all about manhood. the Turkish Prime Minister could stand getting wet. how about our guy?


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