Thursday, May 16, 2013

TAM 2C. In defense of the concept.

I got some mail that basically called the TAM 2C concept a joke, the flailings of a weak military doing its very best to remain relevant.

I couldn't disagree more.  For some reason, many people in the West are taking their security for granted.  Either they expect someone to do it for them or they live in a fairy tale world where it isn't needed.  I can't debate the issue with people like that.  But to those that do have an interest I'd like to point to one vehicle to prove my point.

Everyone seems to have forgotten about the Marder Medium MBT that was shown at EUROSATORY last year.  It was the talk of the town and at one time the makers of the vehicle were considering using a version of it to compete in the Canadian Close Combat Vehicle Contest.

Remember IDEX 2013 earlier this year?  Cockerill and Doosan combined to form a new Medium Tank.  Cockerill's press release stated in part....

Demand for Medium Tanks is increasing. At IDEX 2013 CMI Defence and Doosan DST present a new 120/105mm Medium Tank concept. The system integrates the Cockerill XC-8 turret and the Doosan K21 IFV chassis. With a system weight of some 25 tonnes, the concept offers advanced 120mm or 105mm firepower with high operational flexibility and tactical mobility
The combination of the Cockerill XC-8 concept-turret with the Doosan K21 chassis promises a significant advance in terms of medium-weight direct-fire capability. The combination of highly effective and flexible lethality options with outstanding strategic and tactical mobility, opens up a new range of operational possibilities.
The Argentinians basically looked at the equipment they had and did the logical thing.  They upgraded it and got a Medium Tank that meets all the hallmarks of a new build vehicle.  Its really quite brilliant.  The concept and in the case of the Argentinian Army, the execution.

1 comment :

  1. I have nothing informed to say about the TAM 2C. But, at the very least, it's an attractive tank. I like how the turret is set back on the hull. A very German look.


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